The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale (Law of Attraction)
I but to tell you about the strangestsecret in the world the secretsome years ago the late Nobelprize-winning doctor albert schweitzerwas being interviewed in london is areporter asked himdoctor what’s wrong with me and todaythe radar to reserve a moment too manysaid the secrethim simply don’t think it’s about thisthat I want to talk with you we havetoday in a golden age this is a mirrorthat man is look forward to dream go towork toward for thousands of yearsbut since it’s here we pretty well takeit for granted we’ve America Europeparticularly fortunate to live in a richhistory and that ever existed on theface of the earthforever but England opportunity foreveryonebut you know what happens were 600Ministereven at the age of 24 I do you have anyidea what will happen to those men withbitterness sixty-thirdthese 100 menu all-star even that the225 believe they’re going to besuccessful the secretif you ask really what are these reallywanted to be a success he did he didyou notice it he was eager toward lifethat there was a certain the secretsparkle in his eye any witness to risk aregion life seemed like a prettyinteresting adventure touringbut by the time they’re 65 onewill be rich 4 will be financiallyindependent5 will still be working 54will be broke take a moment out of the100 only five make the gradeknow why do so many 30 what has happenedto the sparkle it was there when theywere twenty bridewhat’s become a big dreams I hope soplans and why is there such a largedisparity between what these menintended to doin what they actually accomplished whenwe see about 5 percent achieve successwe have to define successand here’s the best definition I’venever been able to find successis the progressive realization bubblewith the idealif a man is working toward apre-determined goal and knows where he’sgoing that man is a successif he’s not doing that he’s a failuresuccess is the progress in realizationbub on worthy ideal Romay thedistinguished psychiatrist wrote awonderful book calledman’s search for himself and in thisbook he saysthe opposite of courage in our societyis not cowardiceit is conformity in there you have thetrouble todayits conformity people acting likeeveryone else without knowing whywithout knowing where they’re goingI think a bit in America right nowthey’re over8 p. m. million people 65 years of ageand older the secretin most urban are broke they’redependent the secreton someone else for life mississippi’selementary but the time was serving withhim to make a living but a 225 usuallybut at a time when are we making aliving or supporting a familyand the above the game were 65 we havelearned how to become financiallyindependentin the richest way and that has neverbeen known waywe can form a and the trouble is aworking with the wrong person whichgroup they may be right who don’tsucceedwhy do these people conform where wereally don’t knowthese people believe that there was ashipper circumstances butthings that happened to them butexterior forces fearouter directed people a survey was madeone time that covered a lot of menworking in these men were asked where doyou workwhen you get up in the morning 1920had no idea if US criminal 0everyone goes to work in the morning msthe reason they do it because everyoneelse is doing itbut was your back to a definition ofsuccess who succeedsthe only person who succeeds is theperson who is progressively we arerisinga worthy ideal is a person who saysI’m going to become this ’em then beginsto work toward that goalI’ll tell you the successful people aretheir success is the school teachersteaching school because that’s where heor shewants to do the success is the woman isaway from mother because she wanted tobecome a working mother the secretis doing a good job of it this successis a man who runs the corner gas stationbecause that was his dream that’s whathe wanted to dothe success is the successful salesmanwho want to become a top much saleswould grow and build his organizationhis successes everyone who is doingdeliberatelya pre-determined job because that’s whathe decided to dodeliberately but only 10 to 20 yearswith that’s why today thereisn’t really any competition unless wemake it for z/osinstead of competing all we have to doiscreate in over 20 years over to the keywhich would determine what would happento a human beingwas there a key I wanted to know whichwould make the future a promise that wecould foretell to a large extentwas Ricky that would guarantee aperson’s becoming successful if you onlyknew about itthen you how to use it well there issuch a key and I found ithave you ever wondered why so many menwork so hard upon the Sri without everachieving anything in particularand others don’t seem to work alreadyyes seem to get everythingthey seem to have it Meggie church youproduce it at about seven everything hetouches turns to golddid you ever noticed a man to becomesuccessful teams to continue to becomesuccessfuland on the other hand you know to storemanager failure games to continue tofailwell it’s because I’m goals Somersetgoalsjohn told people with goals succeedbecause they know where they’re going the secretit’s that simple thank you for Shipleythe harbor and take it with a completeorigin and getting blamedcaptivity crude or reject the words oryou know how long it’ll takeit has a definite go than 9,999 timesout of ten thousandit will get to where it started out toget by mistake a membershipjust like a first only does not put acrew under chapter for whomrescue but no im in point no goldrestoration we just start the engine letit goI think you’ll agree with me that if itgets into the harbor ofthe readers single wind up on somedeserted beach a better lookit can’t go any place because it has nodestination node Aidensit was the same with a human being takea salesman for examplethere’s no other person in the worldtoday with the future have a goodsalesmanshowing is the world’s highest-paidprofession if we’re good at itand if we know where we’re going everycompany needs tonot salesman and the reward those menthe sky’s the limit for thembut how many can you find someone oncesaid the human race is fixednot to prevent the strong women but toprevent the weekfrom using the American economy todaycan be likened to a convoy NK beforethe entire economy is slow down toprotect its weakest linkjust as the convoy had to go to speed itwould reduce your stress or emailinformationthat’s why it’s so easy to make a livingtoday it takes no particular brains aretrying to make a living a supportivefamily to rateso we have a platter also call securityofficial rivers is looking forbut we do have to decide how hi abovethis plateau we want to waitdollars get back to the strangest secretin the world a story that I wanted totell you todaywhen two men with goals succeed in lifeand then without them for youwell let me tell you something which ifyou really understand it will alter yourlifeimmediately if you understand completelywhat I’m going to tell you from thismoment on your life will never be thesame againyou suddenly find it good luck thereseems to be a jerk to dothe things you want just seemed fall inline informality whatever problems theworries itknowing all the buildings are a beerperhaps you’ve experienced beforedoubt fear will be things in the pastis the key to success and the key tofailurewe become what we think aboutlet me say that again we becomewhat we think about through a littlehistory the grade wise men and teachersphilosophers and profits have disagreedwith one another on many differentthingsis only on this one point that they’reincompleten unanimous agreement was lowered MarcusAurelius Rodrigo membershipa man’s life is what his thoughts makeit israelis are theirseverything comes over me and will onlywait I brought my sober long meditationto the conviction that a human beingwould assert our purpose you mustaccomplish itand that nothing can resist a will thatwill stick even existencefor its fulfilment Ralph Waldo Emersonsugarsa man is what he thinks about all daylong the secretWilliam James said the greatestdiscovery of my generationis that human beings can alter their ownirisby altering their attributes but my endhe also saidwe need only in cold blood at as if thething in question worry yourand it will become infallibly real bygrowing into such a connection with herlifethat it will become real it will becomeso Nick with Habitat the motionthat are interest in it will be thosewhich characterize beliefthe also said if you only care about itfor a resultyou almost certainly appeal it if youwish to be richhe will be rich if you wish to be heardyou will be alertedif you wish to be good you’ll be goodonly you must in really wish thesethings in which the exclusivelynot we should be seen going togetherincompatible things just as stronglyin the Bible you read more at 9:23 isokay just for youall things are possible to him thatbelievethwell-protected Norman Vincent Peale putit this waythis is one of the greatest floors inthe universe fervently do I wish Idiscovered it as a very young manit dawned upon me much later in life aniPhone to be one of the greatestis not my greatest discovery outside myrelationship to Godthe great blog reveals simply stated isthat if you thinkin negative terms you will get negativeresultsif you think in positive terms you willachieve positive resultsthat is a simple fact he went on to saywhich is at the basesastonishing law prosperity and successin three words believe them succeedWilliam Shakespeare but it is wat aredoubts are traitors and make us lose thegood we oft might win by fearing toattemptGeorge Bernard Shaw said people arealways bringing their circumstances willappearI don’t believe in circumstances thepeople get on in this world to peopleget a new look for the circumstancesthey wantand if they can find them make him whereis pretty apparent is itand every person to discover this for awhile believe that he was the first oneto work it outwe become what we think aboutit stands to reason that a person isthinking about a concrete in worthwhilegoal is going to reach youbecause that’s what he’s thinking aboutand we become what we think aboutcommercially the man who has no goaldoesn’t know where he’s going andwho saw she was there will be torturedconfusion anxiety and fear and worrybecause what he thinks about his lifebecomes wanna frustration and fear andanxiety worryif he thinks about nothing he becomesnothingbut how does it work why do we becomewhat we think aboutwell I’ll tell you how it works as faras we know reading this I want totell you about a situation thatparallels the human mindsuppose a farmer has some weight andit’s good for two layered by the way andgives performance choice the secrethere April in that way and whatever hechooses go and doesn’t careis a performer to make the decisionremember working during the human mindwith the way and because the money rightaway anddoesn’t care what you put into it itwill return what you paidthat he doesn’t care what you prayedmembers say that the former has twoseats in the samewanna see the corn the others make sureto deadly poisonhe digs to hold a mere three playersboth 321 cornthe other night should it was a bit coldwaters and a share the landand what will happen invariably the rainreturned which pointedhe’d written in the Bible as you sowshare you reapthey remember their rendition carereturn poisoning just really wonderfulabundance as we reportedshort term the two groups one corn onepoisonfor human mind is far more fertile formore incredible a mysterious some morerain but it works the same wayit doesn’t care what we proved Sixersfailurethe concrete with where we’re going forconfusionmisunderstanding feared anxiety isshowingbut what we planned it must returned tousis he the human mind is the last greatexplored culturallyorders it contained riches beyond ourwildest dreams it will returnanything we want to pointthere you might say work that’s true Idon’t people use their minds morewhen I think that figure is a great wayto mine comes as standard equipment atbirth is free and things will be givenwas for nothing replacesthere you are things that we pay moneyfor we dare youthe paradox is that exactly the reverseis trueeverything we’ve really worth when wemight Cambridge freemerger soldier bodies our hopes ourdreams our ambitions are intelligenceare you have a family and childrencrimson countryall these priceless possessions free the secretbut the things that cost us money areactually very cheap and to be replacedat any timea good man can be completely wiped outto make another fortune you can be thereseveral timeseven over home burned down we canrebuild it but the things we good fornothingwe can never replace the human mind isin use because we take it for grantedfamiliarity breeds contempt it could doit he got a job we certainly do it butgenerally speaking we use it for alittle jobs is terribly importantuniversities approve it most was youroperating at about 10 percent for racialabilitiesto decide no what is it you wantprint your goal in your mind it’s themost important decision you ever makein your entire life what is it you wantyou want to be an outstanding salesman abetter worker at your particular jobyou want to go places near complete inyour community you want to get richall you gotta do is plant that seed inyour mindcare for it work steadily toward yourgoalthey will become a reality it not onlywillthere’s no way that it cannot is thethat’s a law like the larger Sir IsaacNewton’s laws of gravity if you get oncapitol building a jump of you always godown you never go up it’s the same withall the other laws a majorthey always work their inflexible thinkabout your goal relaxedpositive way it yourself in your mindsare as having already achieved this goalsee yourself doing the things you willbe doing when you reach your goalpresident goalie feet above the doorwayGTG ulcers are you nervous breakdownsyou can call raisersat a time when medical research isracist when you put it to good healthand longevity far too many others wereyour shows it would be really greatcreditcope with things in our own littlepersonal wayswithout doing a few great laws will takecare of everything for usthese things we bring on our sales toour a bitch your way of thinkingevery one of us is the sum total his ownthoughtsthe secrethe is where he is because that’s exactlywhere he really wants to be whether youadmit they removeeach of us must really well for free tothis starts in the futurebecause what you think today tomorrownext month the next yearwill mold your life and determine yourfutureyour guided by your mind I remember whenI was driving through eastern ArizonaMay so when I was picturing a personmoving machines roaring along the roadabout 35 miles an hour with what lookedlike32 adams appeared imminent a tremendousIncredible Machineit was a little man Bridgeway dearbornCup with that we really say I wasgetting itit was a group alone I was struck by thesimilarity that machine really humanwordjust suppose you’re sitting at thecontrols researchers asked sources ofenergyare you gonna sit back and forth yourarms a murder run itself into a ditchare you going to keep both hands firmlyon the wheel in control and directorsproduce Pacificworkwear papers ship to youyou’re in the driver’s seat is eithervery law that gives a success is atwo-edged swordwe must control were thinking the samerule I can remember youally for success welfare because nobodyever dreamed over it was over his familythat very same working really welltogether is ordinary uses itfor good of a baby this is the strangestsecretin the world why do I see a strangerwhere do I go to the secret actually itis a secret at allit was first promoted aggressivelyearliest wiseman it appears again andagain throughout the Bible but very fewpeople have learned it understand itits latest reviews drivers are equallystrange reason it virtually remains asecretI believe that you could go out andwalked down the main street of youraccount to this one minute after anotherwith the secret to success isyou probably wouldn’t want to do whenminimum monthly couldthis information is she normallyvaluable to us if we really understandit and abroadIsraeli border is not only for our ownlives with the lives of those around usour families employees associates the secret improvesright should be exceeding adventure itshould never be a borethe man should be fully be around I’m heshould be glad to get outta bed in themorninghe should be doing a job he likes to dobecause he does it willone time I heard growth parish in thegreat late editor in chief for The toreveal daily bread maker speechreally concluded his speech he saidsomething I’ve never gottenhe said my years in the newspaperbusiness income this year several thingsamong them the people basically goodand that we came from some players thenwe’re going someplaceso we should make our time here anexciting adventurethe architect of the universe didn’tbuild a stairwayleading nowhere the greatest teacher orthe Carpenters from the plains andgenerally gave us a secret or even cameagainBeijing believe so shall it be doneand EUhave explained the strangest secret inthe world how it worksknown this I don’t want to explain howyou can prove yourself the enormousrichard is possible in your own lifethat putting the secret to a practicaltest I want you to make it appears to bea rest30 days it isn’t going to be easy but ifyou give it a good tryit will completely change your life forthe better the regularseventeenth-centurysure Isaac Newton the Englishmathematician and natural philosophergave us the Metro laws of physics whichabrasion which the human beings have aduty to move into bodies in the universin one these large is that for everyactionthere is an equal and opposite reactionserb restated as it approached you andme it means we can achieve nothingwithout paying the price the results ofyour 30-day experiment will be in directproportion to the effort you put forthto be a doctor you estate appraisal onyears a difficult studyto be successful in selling to rememberthe teacher succeed is to the extent ofhis ability to sellshowing her family’s own ideas sellingeducation in schoolsshowing our children. on the advantagesof living the good honest lifeshowing our associates and employees onthe important to beingexceptional people to work or speakprofessional show yourself but to besuccessful in selling our way to thegood life we must be willingcould pay the price so what is thatprice where which many thingsfirst understanding emotionally as wellas intellectuallythat we were literally become what wethink about it that we must controlnorth of the border control our livesits understanding fully that a she’s soso shall you reapsecond is carried away or feathers fromthe murderedintermediate this story it was divinelydesigned to dois the realization that your limitationsare self-imposedand the opportunities for you today areenormous beyond beliefis rising above narrow minded pettinessand Prejudiceand third is using all your courage toforce yourself to think positively onyour own problemto set a definite and clearly definedgoals for yourself director marvelousmine think about your goal from allpossible anglesto let your imagination speculate freelyupon many different possible solutionsto refuse to believe there are anycircumstances sufficiently strong todefeat you in the accomplishment of yourpapersto act promptly and decisively when yourcourse is cleargonna keep constantly aware of the factthat you are at this momentstanding in the middle with your ownacres have died when his rhetoric andwill use the pointerand forth save at least 10 percentevery dollar you burn is alsoremembering that no matter what yourpresent job it isenormous possibilities if you’re willingto pay the priceministers will be important points in aprice each was misplayed to achieve thewonderful life you can be ours it is acourse worth any priceone you will become what do you thinkaboutto remember the word imagination imagein my head begin to store3 courage concentrate on your goaleverydayfor save 10 percent of what you earninferredaction ideas are worthless in this weekGerman alternate outline the 30-day testI want you to make you keep in mind thatyou have nothing to lose by makingmister mistereverything you could possibly want togain there are two things that may besaid everyoneeach was one something each risk isafraid to somethingI want you to write on the card what itis you wantmore than anything else it may be moremoneypressured by 2w in camera maker specificamount of moneyit may be a beautiful home it may besuccess at your jobit may be a particular position like itcould be a more harmonious familyfeatures want something the right downon your card specifically what it is youwantmake sure it’s a single goal and clearly defined you need to show it to anyone the secretbut carry it with you so that you canlook at it several times a daythink about a demerit cheerful relaxedpossibly way each morning when you getupimmediately years from the work forcefrom to get outta bed for something tolive forlook at every chance you get during theday and just before going to bed atnighttreasurer Kevin remember that you mustbecome what you think about him sinceyou’re thinking about your goal yourealize too soon it will be yoursin fact issuers really them on which youwrite it downcan begin to think about it look at theabundance ofaround you as you go about your dailybusiness you have as much right to thisabundance as any other living creaturesis yours for the asking now we come tothe difficult part difficult because itis the formation abroad is probablybring you have itthen you have written it is reformed$1. 4 mil overit will follow you for the rest of yourlife stop thinking about what it is youfearaddition to fear for their negativethought the gym your consciousnessreplace it with a mental picture of yourparents even with logokirkum times when you feel like givingup is easier for you would do anythingnegative even positive results were onlyfive percent researchers wereyou must begin now to place yourself inthat group for thirty days you must takecontrol of your mindit will think about only what youpermitted to be good each day becausethey did a testdo more than you have to do in additionto maintaining a cheerful positiveoutlookgive yourself more than you’ve ever donebefore do this knowing that your returnsin my eyes must be in direct proportionto what you dothe moment you to set a goal to worktowardyou’re immediately a successful personyour than a minutecareer success in category of people whoknow where they’re goingat every 100 people you belong to thetop fivedon’t concern yourself too much with howyou’re going to achieve your goal leaveit could take me to a power greater thanyourselfall you have to do is no where you’regoingthe answers will come to you but theirown accord and at the right timeremember these words from the Sermon onthe Mount remember tomorrowkeep them constantly before you thismonth on your testand ask and it shall be given you sheikinitial find not initially openedinto you for everyone met sq receiveit either secret funded the mid-marketit shall be opened is marvelous in asimple as that the secretin fact it’s a simple dinner seeminglycomplicated weird it’s difficult for anadult tounderstand it all we need is a purposeand faith for 30 days do your very bestif your salesman going to be you’venever done before not even a hecticfashion butwith a condom cheerful assurance thattime well spent will give you theabundance in return you deserve rewardyour home maker double 232 is tocompletely giving up yourself withoutthinking about receiving anything inreturnyou’ll be amazed at the difference itmakes the right no matter what your jobdo is you’ve never done it before for 30daysif you kept your goal before you everyday you wonder in moreover this you likeyoupornDorothea Brande the outstanding editorand writer discredit yourself and tellus about your fine bookwake up and live the entire philosophyis reduced to the wordsact as though it were impossible to failyoushe made a road test with tertiary avery different airline pushes you wantto go there were only six yearsno you make your test for 34 daysdoster jitters to give you made up yourmind to stick with ityou see by being persistent you’redemonstrating faithfor systems is simply another word forfree if you didn’t have reviewed neverpressuresif you should clear your first 30 daysby that I mean suddenly find yourselfoverwhelmed bynegative charge you gotta start overagain from that point then go 30 moredaysgradually you have it will form injuryfive years or whateverwonderful minority do virtually nothingis impossibleand don’t forget the card it’s vitallyimportant as you begin this new way ofliving11 said it occurred write your goalwhatever it may beon the other side write the wordreported from a certain amountask and it should be given you sheik the secretinitial find not it should be openedinto you nothing great was everaccomplished withoutinspiration she did during these crucialfirst 30 days your own inspiration iskept to a peakand above all don’t worry worry bringsfear and fear scriptedthe only thing we can cause you to worrydo you to refuse to do it all yourselfknow that all you have to do is holdyour goal before youeverything else will take a richerremember also to keep calm and cheerfulstill get paid the things you know areyou in get you of coursethis decision is this is difficultemotionally why should I botherwhere look at the alternative no onewants to be afraid you no one reallywants to be a mediocre individual no onewants American history fair with yourYouTube feared restorationtherefore remember that you wish to reapthat which you soif you’re so negative thereof your lifewill be filled with negative thingsif you show prices are your localbutcher for successful in positivegradually rather tendency to forgetwhere the word on this recordingpaid often keep reminding yourself whatyou must do to go on this you have itgather your family around at regularintervals are missing it was consideredyou know most men will tell you thatthey want to make money withoutunderstanding the lawthe only people who make money workingamid the rest is mostearn money this is what causes those whokeep looking for something to do withyour free ride to Fremontthe only way to earn money is byproviding people withservices or products which are neededand useful we exchange our time in ourproduct is shipped distributednewsworthytherefore the lawyers that are permittedto return will be in direct proportionto our servicesuccess is not to resort to making moneymaking moneyis the result is success their successesin direct proportionworshipers most people have a smallbackwardsthey believe it your success or your dadmoneythe truth is that you can only earnmoney after your situationis like this jury matters havereproduced or redistributedgive me he’d and generate the woodhow many men and women do you know whereusable here today to take the sameattitude toward lifethere are millions we’ve got to put thefew evenbefore we can expect pete likewise we’vegot to be a serious firstbefore we can expect many don’t concernyourself with the moneybe of service build work dreamcreate do there’s a new phone is nolimit to the prosperity and abundancewill come to youfresh 30-year was going to go to yourmutual exchangeevery person who contributes to the secret Prestbury West Ashley incurred in somefrom danger Turnbull not come to closurebut it must come to you from someplacebecause restaurant for every actionthere is an equal and opposite reactionas you go daily to your 30-day disputedremember that your success will alwaysbe measured data quality and quantityshould this you render and money is ayardstickfor measuring the service no man can getrich yourselfand messy and Richard others here noexceptions to the malleven drive down any street america infrom your car estimate the servicesbeing rendered whether people living onthe streetdid you ever go to be sure to checkbefore it’s interestingsir Mike ministers and priests throughother devoted people measure the richerin a room with a spiritualit again be returned to equally sharethis:which is yours truly understood anythinking person can get his own fortunehe wants more he was being more serioustraditionally received his returnhe was yours years only to reduce yourservice this is the priceyou must pay for what you want if youbelieve you can enrich yourselfby diluting others you can and only bydeluding yourselfit may take some time but just as surelyas you breathe you’ll get back what youput outdon’t ever make a mistake in thinkingyou can reproduce it’s impossiblethe prisons in the streets with the onlywater filled with people who tried tomake new laws just for the videoswe may avoid the resume broo but you’rea greater loss but cannot be brokenan outstanding medical doctors reportedat six steps will help you realizesuccessone set yourself a definite go togood running yourself down 3 stopthinking about all the reasons why youcannot be successful and instead they doall the reasons where you canfor treasure attitudes back to yourchildrenand to discover we first got the ideayou could be successfuleffectuate a veggie 5 change the imageyou have yourself by writing out adescription of the person you would liketo bem6 at the park the successful person youhave decided to be saidthe doctor who wrote those words is anoted West Rocha Turkishyesterday with the Herald think do withthe experts since the dawn of recordedhistorytold you you must do pay the price bybecoming the person you want to comeisn’t nearly as difficult as reviewingsuccessfully make your 30-day testingrepeated and repeated againan Eastern it will become more reportedyou do you want your YouTube every moveto the other wayyou have this new way in the floodgateshave opened in June open pore over youmore which is really a dream to justreadmoney year’s roster but there was moreimportantyou have peace you be in that wonderfulminority who did come cheer forsuccessful writersscared to be you have nothing to losedid you ever hear life to winthis year or next year and thank you