Ahh Meditation Guru of Wayne Dyer on The Power of Intention
Many people have asked me to comment on WayneDyer’s latest book “The Power of Intention”. Dyer himself has made it clear that it isnot about Ego centric intention. By Intentionhe means the intention of God and the needto clean up one’s intention to harmonizewith the intention of the divine. It’s avery complicated issue. Jesus was faced withthe problem of his intention versus God’sintention. He didn’t want to die but ifit is God’s intention to die,he would die. Billy Graham was giving a talkat the White House after 9/11. The questionwas it the intention of God to destroy the WorldTrade Centre, didn’t He know about this,he said that there is no way you can answerthis question you have to fall back at thefeet of the lord to figure it out. So thereare a lot of philosophical ramifications thatgo along with intention but what I want tosay is intentions whether it is human or divine,do manifest. Bin laden wanted to destroy theWorld Trade Centre 10 years prior to 9/11,he made an attempt, a failed attempt and then10 years later he succeeded. During that timehe held that intention constantly. So Intentionsdo manifest, In fact the whole world is themanifestation of the intention of God. A humanbeing is a mini God because God created manin his own image. He is a co-creator withGod. Without intention you cannot manifestat all. You will de-manifest everything inyour life if you don’t have any intention. So it’s important to have intentions, goalsbut the problem is there is a time lag betweenthe intention and its manifestation. It isnot a new thing; it is not a new age teaching. The Yogis and the Siddhas have followed thisprinciple in their life and then there isgreat amount of techniques and literatureon how intentions become material manifestations. For instance your intentions won’t manifestquick but if you have a Guru to manifest foryou, he will do it in a relatively short periodof time because he has a step up transformerwithin himself. There is also another device;this is practiced in India even today. Youjust can go and hire somebody to hold yourintention and then he will go and use a specificway of holding your intention and saying itmentally or in a meditation or even out aloud1008 times a day for 45 days and that intentionmanifestation is an excepted practice there. Or you can appeal to a God or an Angel becausethey live in a different time dimension andthey can manifest easily for you. Or thereare devices like using certain geometricalfigures like a Christmas star that can carryyour intention too. So these are some of thedevices and then your ancestors, your forefatherswho are dead and who are in another dimensionlike your grandfather or great grandfatheror grandmother or great great grandmother,they can help you in the manifestation ofintention as well. So the key issue is intentionsdo manifest but then you have to find thedevices to accelerate the process of manifestationby dealing with time in a very efficient way. So the whole idea that intentions do manifestis literally true. These are my comments.