Abraham Hicks – How to Give More POWER TO POSITIVE THOUGHTS
We are extremely pleased that you’rehere two things one is anything chronichow do you get rid of things that arechronic you’ve asked a very pointedquestion because if it’s chronic you’reaware of it it stays chronic because youkeep thinking about it so the answer isdon’t think about itso how you going to not think aboutsomething that’s chronic well you’ve gotto find some waysyou got to meditate when you quiet yourmind you’re not thinking about it whenyou’re sleeping at night you’re notthinking about itso just calling it chronic it sort ofgives it power we have some chronicsauce let us tell you some chronicthoughts that we have well-being aboundsand you are Source Energy in a physicalbody and you can be or do or haveanything that you want and law ofattraction is a real deal and you getwhat you think about whether you want itor not and the release of chronicthoughts these are things that we knowfor sure so the question isn’t whether Ishould have a chronic thought or not thequestion is how does this chronicthought feel and how does this chronicthought feel and the thing about achronic thought is that a chronicthought has a lot of momentum so you cantell how you feel if it’s chronicthere’s a lot of momentum so if it’schronic and negative you know it if it’schronic and positive you know it and sochronic is good not feeling so goodisn’t the question that we want to putto you is do you deserve to feel goodit’s like you go to the buffet and hereare some beautiful vegetables and somelovely meats and some beautiful thingsand then there’s a pile of ground glassand some dirt aren’t you pretty picky doyou say well I’m eating this lovely foodand I better eat some ground glassbecause it’s just fairor do you leave the ground glass andreport them Noso can you choose among your thoughtsare you thinking your thoughts or youryour your thoughts thinking you I’mthinking I thought yeah so are theresome chronic thoughts that you thinkthat are beneficial to you yes what aresome of them pretty regularly in a stateof flow constantly looking for betterthings and bigger things to do I look attry and look at the best of thingsaround me as often as possible okay sowhen you’re looking for the best ofthings around you that’s a chronicthought worth keepingbut that chronic thought that saysalways looking for something bigger andbetter that’s a lack for thought that’sa dissatisfied with where I am thoughtand that’s a chronic thought that willhold you in a holding pattern you wantto try to mold that into something thatfeels better yes Esther sat with abeautiful young man the other night justshe and he went to dinner he’s 16 and hesaid I’m so eager about my life andEsther said ptoo isn’t that’s the lovelyway to feel I’m so eager about my lifewhat a lovely thought to let be achronic thought so you know what youwant to do because you’re a powerfulthinker we can feel the intensity ofyour focus you are really good focuserand what that means is momentum reallygets going for you want it or not andwhat you’re wanting to do is do a betterjob of distinguishing earlier on whatinfluence you’re under as you start downthat thought path and then catch itearlierdon’t be freaky about it and don’t bemad at yourself if you get onto achronic thought that isn’t serving youjust take the bounce from it realizethat this thought doesn’t serve and saysomething like tomorrow I’m gonna do abetter job of getting out ahead of itand then quiet your mind you meditateyes do you like that feeling ofdetachment and do I just stream to youyes more and more and do you recognizeitthey come and can you feel that some ofthose thoughts that you’re callingchronic thoughtsthat’s just streaming from an influencethat doesn’t serve youchronic thoughts like times are hard orchronic thoughts like the economy isn’tdoing well what are some of the chronicthoughts that you can feel are troublingfor you well one of them sometimes isphysical as well think about that themass consciousness believes in itsvulnerability and there’s a current orstrain because every thought that’s everbeen thought still exists so thosethoughts have been gathered together bylaw of attraction and there is a streamof thought that when you get in thevicinity you’re gonna pick it up solet’s call this something else let’s notcall this your chronic thought let’scall this your vibrational place thathooks you in to that stream yes threemembers right here in this citysome years ago a canal flowing highbecause of the rain runoff and somelittle kids were doing what they oftendid they were sitting on the concretebank of the canal just dangling theirfeet in the water and the water sweptthem away they were rescued but thecurrent surprised them they didn’tunderstand the velocity of it and doingwhat they had done many times wasdifferent with this stream and so whenyou stick your toe in the water of somethoughts that mass consciousness hasbeen thinking that don’t serve you don’tbe surprised that you get swept away inthem a little bit but pretty soon thestream will let go of you and yo Bobback to the surface and you’ll sleep andyou’ll wake up and you’ll choose chronicthoughts that serve you better do youbelieve in the well-being of this timein space I do do you acknowledge thatsource is all over it do you sometimesthink when you get up in the morning ofthe bigness and the wonderfulness ofyour earth spinning this orbit and allthat that means can you feel the hugemomentum of that you can’t evencontemplate thethat’s this has been happening andtherefore the continuum that you are onin that regard do you feel the warmth ofthe Sun and the way it takes care ofthis planet do you realize that no newseeds are being trucked in from otherplaces and yet there’s food on theplanetyou’re squabbling over it and pinchingit off and doing some things that arenot that wise about it but it’s stillgrowing and it’s still available andit’s not going away and it never willdon’t you like your atmosphere don’t youjust think it’s incredibledon’t you love gravity don’t you loveunderstanding the laws of that reallythis world asking and this worldeconomics isn’t it a magnificent thingcan’t you feel the desire of the massesand the goodness that comes to thatdesire can’t you feel the dominance ofthat and of course you could find somepocket even a big pocket that isn’tallowing well-being but it’s your choiceabout where you focus and you just wantto ask yourself what thoughts do I wantto be chronic in me do I want toacknowledge the well-being there’splenty of it we think it would be awonderful thing if the media and we’retalking about all of it we’re talkingabout the movies and the books we’retalking aboutthe news we’re talking about theadvertisements we’re talking about allof the stimuli that comes to you in allthe ways that it comes and let’s saythat it’s represented as you’re watchingsome television and you’re watching itand all of a sudden there’s a littlething that goes on your screen it’s justlike a little flash light and the salmongoes yeah somebody says to you what wasthat and you say oh that represented allthe things that went wrong today foreverybodywouldn’t you like that to be yourchronic thought or do you want to breakthat down do you want to look at thatthings you want to look at that subjectyou want to beat that subject to deathdo you want to focus upon that and usethat and we’re not saying that it’s notreal and we’re not saying that you wantit and we’re not saying that you don’twant it to be better because you dobecause every time you have a step onemoment about anything that goes wrong inyour world youfor something you asked for animprovement you are an uplifter and youare doing your part in your observationof this world and putting your requestsbut you gotta line up with what you areasking for for the world just like yougot to line up with what you are askingfor for yourself you got to make thosethings that feel good your chronic saltsso let’s give a new label to the wordchronic you want to know what chronic ischronic is what your inner being knowsthat’s longtime chronic that’s chronicbigger than you can even use the wordchronic that’s so chronic that when youget crossways of that you don’t feelgood when you don’t feel good it’sbecause you have departed for a momentfrom who you really are and what youreally know about whatever the subjectis that you’re focused we have enjoyedthis day so much with youand we would like to say to you that weare eager about your life there is greatlove here for you and for nowgoodI like it a lotyou