Talk Story with Aunty Lynette: Hawaiian Spirituality
Spirituality is a belief in powersthat’s greater than oneselfIt’s those powers that have control overlife and deathIn the Western way we talk about religionand religion comes frominstitutionalized beliefs that is external of selfThe Hawaiian way is spirituality iswithin each and every one of u. sAnd how do I know this because Hawaiians have the word Our deceased ancestorswho have been elevated to thatlevel of becoming a deityand these ancestors are not personal people that you know of because it goes way back into timean in your genealogylets you know their DNA from way backwhen is evident in you today think aboutall those efforts on DNA and peoplefinding out areas of ethnicity theynever dream they had before wellHawaiians view this and we called it but now science is catching up withus and we look at it as DNAwithin spirituality is the concept of that is spiritual power it is thatlife force that everyone hasit is energy some people are born withmore because they’ve been selectedby the to receive that abilityothers have the potential to tap into and they can do this by learning bybeing taught the difference between onewho has this through their and one who is not born of the clan theone who has that tendency generallypicks it up faster it makes sense forthem the other one has to learn whatdoes this meanhow does it fit in with what I know andwhat I understand yeah but it doesn’tmean you cannot learn so there are manywho are born to be healers and they’reraised by their families others don’tget to that point of wanting to becomehealers until they begin to mature andbegin to have a better sense ofdirection for their lives theseindividuals with training can learn tobecome healersso the potential is there it’s therewithin oneself is an idea that’s linked with verbalstatementsHawaiian language tells us there is in words once it’s uttered once it’sdeclared it begins to take a life of itsown and it happens and the consequencesthat come with it think about that weall have done power in thevoice that utters and make a declarationsometimes we make that declarationthat’s positive and things turn out welland sometimes in our frustration we makestatements that we regret but it takes alife of its own already and it creates adisturbance in the relationship withpeople parents with children especiallyparents up today who have to work at twojobs maybe three jobs so that they canmeet the needs of their family and stillcome home and have to do the wholemaking responsibilities and especiallyif you’ve had a hard day at the officeOh patience is very short I’ve beenthrough that myself I raised fourchildren through their teenage years andoh and I know it’s so well and I’m sograteful that I had a partner for lifethat when he saw my patience was zilchhe’d step in and then he’d tell me gosit down rest and that I take care ofthe kidsor if you have you use withyour family the kids know and they pickup where is this reaction coming fromand they’d say to me what happened MAyou had a hard day at the office I’dstop myself and say you’re right I haveto leave what’s at the office at theoffice and not bring it homeor if your child has special needs andyou’re not fully aware of what needs tobe done and you don’t have all theinformation and the knowledge to providefor a relationship that allows the childto be nurtured and to grow thestatements you make can have thatnegative effect that will follow them incases with families that we work with inSocial Work many times in talking withthe family I’ll hear the parent who getsso frustrated that they point out thenegative aspects of the child andlabeled it you just like so-and-soso-and-so is incarcerated what does thattell the childif I’m like so and so does this mean I’mgonna get into trouble and becomeincarcerated and children pick up thatmessage because in school they’re in andout of the principal’s office or thevice principal’s officeso they pick up that and theybegin to accept it because they’re nothearing anything good about themselvesso is power spiritual powerthat takes a life of its ownif it is positive it goes in thepositive direction if it is negative itmoves in the negative direction and soin it’s very importantthat we clarify we bring to attention tomembers who are there for a session we always think of as heavens is spirituality it is thatdimension that’s from Earth the spaceand it is in the spiritual realm is one spirit one soul of the living you know whenyou go to sleep and you have dreams androu-ha-nee of the living you know whenyou go to sleep and you have dreams andthat’s your haunted that decided oh I’mgoing to I’m gonna seethat’s your haunted that decided oh I’mgoing to hold a hollow I’m gonna seeentirely different but that’s your the one who is deceased has an form comes to us and we see it as ghostsI’ve had a situation where this littleboy could see ghosts and while in schoollot of the ghosts were in the bathroomand therefore when he saw the ghost hecouldn’t do what he wanted to do and sohe’d leave but you know to suffercouldn’t do what he wanted to do and sohe believed but you know what to sufferthe whole time because you gotta go yougotta gobut you don’t dare go there because allthose ghosts what’s gonna happen to thathis friends Elementary School they justgoing into intermediate friends can bevery cruel and if he says he sees ghostseven more so their going to think he’s crazyvery cruel and if he says he sees ghostseven more so the continuity is crazyso it’s ghosts okayso according to these Hawaiian terms exemplify the rangeso according to Fukui elbert dictionarythese Hawaiian terms exemplify the rangespirituality with ghosts it’s not doesn’tnecessarily mean you’re going to diewhat it does mean is that the ofthat deceased relative is trying towhat it does mean is that the Oh Hani ofthat deceased relative is trying tocommunicate with the individual theyhave a message but not necessarilyyou’re not matured enough yeah sorecognize that the ability to see ghostsyou’re not matured enough yeah sorecognize that the ability to see goesnot limited to adults it happens tochildren tooI was interviewed by my niece this pastweekend and I said to her did you knowwas the one who saw ghosts allaround but when it interfered in thingsson was the one who saw ghosts allaround but when it interfered in thingsis the one his wife could see the ghosthe was the one that dealt with thethe ghost and he cleansed the placeand the individual so I said you comefrom a rich line she’s she was justaccepted into the BSW School of Social Workfrom a rich lying she’s she was justaccepted into the BSW School of Socialis the they come out of love andconcern and they want to check up on howconnect to that Hawaiian place of manaso communication with the spirits theycome out of love rarely especially if itis the Ohana they come out of love andconcern and they want to check up on howthings are happening in the family andespecially if they’ve had a lovingrelationship and that’s the individualthat the living person often talked withsometimes the families that we work withthat call for help have these experiencesand don’t turn a deaf ear to them backin the 1960s in the School of Social Workfamilies curse each otheryou know curse is it’s a negative statement intended to do harmown and and because there’s power in the Hawaiians had to figure outand don’t turn a deaf ear to them backin the 1960s in the School of SocialWork we’re never taught about the ghostsoh honey we’re never taught that ourfamilies curse each other you know curseis maniacally oh it’s a negativestatement intended to do harm and themoment is uttered it has a life of itsown and and because there’s power in themaniacal air Hawaiians had to figure outwhat is the countermeasure so there weresolutions they were solutions a curse isonly effective if you are deserving ofit but if that negative statements it’scoming out of left field in your opinionyou don’t have to accept it yeah I hadan experience where someone came to meone day and said you know I blame youand so and so and so and so that ournephew is this way but I said stopcan say stop and go back to the personthat started this and Hawaiians whooo. . . raised for 12 years in a different homeand he’s just come into my home the lasttwo years you expect me to undo all ofthat I said I don’t accept thatanother level of here and I stop it and don’t letit bother me and you have to acknowledge itcan say stop and go back to the personthat started this and Hawaiians who whenthey get this stuff they’ll say stop andeat yucca who that means I death was to times I have the option I don’t have togo to that point because it createsanother pillock here another level ofpillock here and I stop it and don’t letit bother me and you have to acknowledgeitokayso with spiritualism when transgressionsare committed transgressions against theAl Makuait usually results in illness of thephysical body and it’s a kind ofsituation where you go to the doctorthey cannot find anything wrong with youthere you don’t know what’s causing thisand they leave it and then what are youto do with it then think about is thisthis something is happening in your familyand so they had and inthe discussion of this was a nice part of the Ohana that tookin an uncle and his wife because theywere getting nearing the point of being houselessthe auntie’s the kupuna auntie and thekupuna and he looked at her and said ifyou go to Honolulu you won’t have youreyesight and the doctor cannot deal withthissomething is happening in your familyyour for your room and yourclothes and things and you contribute bywas a nice part of the Ohana that tookin an uncle and his wife because theywere getting nearing the point of beinghouselessand they had lion they had kuleana lineso told them to come live with them andbe part of the family now in theHawaiian way of thinking being part ofthe family means help us with what hasto be done in the household take care ofyour kuleana for your room and yourclothes and things and you contribute byspend time with them and socialize bythe time they come back is in thewell it went good for the first coupleof months but after that the couple saidwe cannot depend on this family foreverso the intention was we’re not gonnastay and work today we’re going to go tothe big city and when we’re in the bigcity we’re gonna go look for jobs butthey came across friends they hadn’tschool and she learned to speak up not not keep the mouth shut sospend time with them and socialize mybig time they come back is in the earlydo the laundry take the sheets,pillowcas, and blankets and I have to wash itwith the ironing the food preparationthe gardening securing of food theycontinue this for several months anddon’t like itso the mamma said to her school and she learned to speak up notpaka waha not keep the mouth shut soshe’d make comments how come I gotta goin the bedroom and clean up their messso she is grumblebehind the backit why her I do thatnow think about what family means yeahto finally she got the courage and shewent to her parents and told her parentsyou folks better do something about thiscuz it’s not fair it’s not fair and Idon’t like itso the momma said to her cooly coolyother Island to get medical helpnow when the auntie who was doing with them after tell mewhat the situation is so she pointed outso she namo namo namo number is grumblebehind the backthey told her to she still complain then the auntie turned tothe parents did she come to you andOhana relationships then the negativeinside of her begin to work on her bodythat’s my brother and my sister-in-lawwe just keep our emulsion untilother Island to get medical helpnow when the auntie who was doing herupon upon her with them after tell mewhat the situation is so she pointed outto the girl she needed to obey herparents she went to them and even thoughthey told herto cooly cooly she still complain hehear pilikia then the auntie turned tothe parents did she come to you andasked for help with the situation andthe mama said yes she did but you knowthat’s my brother and my sister-in-lawwe just hung out keep our emulsion untilthey’re ready this effectively cut offany help for the daughterpunishment from the that’sbecause she sought your help and yousister-in-lawdoing the wasidentifying those acts and actions thatcreated on their part and on the parents partthey’re always right but their lack ofaction contributed to the girl having toso I raised the question with themso you made a decision to not give helpto your daughter and if this ispunishment from the omec or that’sbecause she sought your help and youdidn’t give her the help she needed sowhat was happening here the one who wasdoing the whole porno porno wasidentifying those acts and actions thatcreated hee heeon their part and on the parents partyour getting to their acts of commission increating and they said wellniece everything was good for the firsttwo months but then you folk startedgoing out and you don’t come back untilits early evening just in time to sitdown and eat and then talk story andthen go get cleaned up and then you goto sleep so was your nieces versionaccurate and they said yeah so thequestion posed to them was what was yourreason for not following through withdaughter auntie anduncle looking for a job so that they cangetting to their acts of commission increating appeal akia and they said wellwe wanted to be able to be moreindependent and we thought if we’d gocommunication yes and in this sessionthe person conducting the own the question posed to that couplewas did you inform your intention toyour sister and her husband so that theywould know what is happening and if theyhad that information they would havebeen in a position to explain to theand because these acts of commission andomission contributed to and to the it’s resulted in the nieceviolating those principles of etiquetteour daughter then maybe she would nothave had this illness so the lack ofcommunication yes and in this sessionthe person conducting the hopen Eponawas helping each party to look at theiracts of commission or the act ofomission on the parents part and theacts of commissionby the auntie and uncle as well asomission their failure to communicateand because these acts of commission andomission contributed to here and to thepilikia it’s resulted in the nieceviolating those principles of etiquettein respecting elders and that is atransgression against the higher powershigher powers moved into action andinflicted the punishments when each ofthem saw how they contributed to thatproblem they were asked what do you wantto do now these they want to live likethis and they all said no we want to beOhana again we want a love restoredbetween us so the question was so whatdo you wanna do now auntie and uncleimmediately apologized apologized to theniece for their failures it was nottheir intention but their actions causedthe consequence they had to apologize tothe sister and brother-in-law the headsof this family their failure tocommunicate the reasons for them wantingto be independent and wanting to be ontheir own to give relief to them theirfailure to communicate that intentionleft a void in what was happening sothey had to ask forgiveness from thebrother and the sister okayMama and Papa even though there wereparents when it was pointed out thatthey let the situation lie dormant andit got worsethe daughter came for help and they gavea statement they didn’t give her asolutioncan you imagine parents having to askforgiveness of their children in theHawaiian family it is a must in theHawaiian family it is a must and Mamaand Papa crying with tears turn to theabout what they doto contribute to they are moredidn’t mean for this to happen we werejust waiting for auntie and uncle to getexonerating themselves and justifyingwhat they do in the personconducting the stopslove you we don’t want anything tohappen to you so each of the partieswere helped to identify how theycontributed towards creating thisnegative situation in Western Wayfamilies of today have hard time talkingabout what they doto contribute to pili Kea they are morefocus on what you did to create the what you did to create the what you did to create the here because it takes two sidesfor a to occurblame placing and helps them to look atyour acts of commission your acts ofomission and the negative consequencesthat come from it you are responsibleHawaiians were so wise in knowing thatwhen you have and fighting each other I think theyneed to get back to the Hawaiian way isfocus on what you did to create thepilikia what you did to create thepilikia what you did to create thepillock here because it takes two sidesfor a pelican to atern if like earliermoneyAkali of someone says to me I blame youI say stop I don’t accept it I’m notguilty yeah but had I got offended bybeing blamed I would have exacerbatedwould say well I didn’t intend that the has to be able to point out evenHawaiians were so wise in knowing thatwhen you have he heretherefore that effect the consequencesalso belongs to you nobody elseIn unlike the justice system thejustice system likes the idea of me :the resolution for then is forgivenessbecause they know that what they didcreated pain and hurt in the otherfamily members and because what theyfailed to do or what they did inflictedthe it’s got to come from that nowin other words if you say forgive me Iwould say well I didn’t intend that thehaku has to be able to point out eventhough you didn’t intend it that is theeffect that followed what you did andtherefore that effect the consequencesalso belongs to you nobody else in hothis and I know on your part it was likeknives cutting into your heart and I amso so so sorry for that because I love youcommission and omission is humble andunless they intend for love to comeit was going to happen you please forgive methere now it’s got to come from that nowin other words if you say forgive me Ilove you I want everything to be happyagain between us it has to be genuineform is saying I sorryI know I did that but I never intendedto hurt you that’s form essence is I didthis and I know on your part it was likeknives cutting into your hearts and I amso so so sorry for that because I loveyouit was selfish of me to only think ofmyself and not to think about the effectit was going to happen you pleaseforgive methat’s the Hawaiian way the articulationof the acts of commission and omissionand the manner in which the sincerityand genuineness comes across togetherbig differenceso it’s helping families of today whodon’t have this kind of experience tohave to help themto what do I mean by genuinenesswith the because they’re doingit with the living relatives and thatit’s not going to pass on to the of the for the future generationsbecause it’s going to be cut right therethe alignment is in balance that is talk about it i express myself with somuch love and regret and remorse youpick up the genuineness so it’s thatquality that is required in this form ofgiving you an example of how it fits inthe key concept in the Hawaiian way way is form an essence togetherdon’t just do form heavy on the upperwith the pull the picot of the pole thepicot of the now because they’re doingit with the living relatives and thatit’s not going to pass on to the picotof the money for the future generationsbecause it’s going to be cut right theredifferent in the I do today that was not done intraditional times is I have to teach thefamilies of today what I mean by the getting down to the I don’t want tohear the hot air and if I pick up mouthmy job as the hacker is toHana way is form an essence togetherdon’t just do form heavy on the upperpart it has to be togetherdidn’t sound like you meant it. Am I my off base I said because the wayto do that cuz it’s really tough yeahyeah yeah one of the things that’sdifferent in the hope on a panel of theI do today that was not done intraditional times is I have to teach thefamilies of today what I mean by the NAowgetting down to you now I don’t want tohas to be genuine otherwise it’s all hot airthey’re not gonna work has anybody everidentify that in a gentle but firm wayyou know so it’s a I just heard you sayit da da da da and the way that it cameacross to me was with just words itdidn’t sound like you meant itand my off base I said because the wayyou sit and the way you talk it was soflippant like it’s everyday I said herewe’re talking about somebody being hurtemotionally inside of themthink about what I just describedbecause the Hawaiian way for this towork that’s the levelof sincerity that we got to help you get tohas to be genuine otherwise it’s all hotthey’re not gonna work has anybody everevery time I see it being incongruentwith cuz that’s what youasked of me be honest just like I askedyou folks to be honest- How in today in the modern world when we have instances of ADHD and other learning disabilitiesand a lot of other has comedown that affects mental stability whensomebody has the intention in yet theimpulse control issues where does how does help that andthe person means well or has goodwork or open up on them that’s the levelof sincerity that we got to help you getfailing and it’s hard for the surrounding familymembers to understand or toevery time I see it being incongruentwith ho’oponopono cuz that’s what youasked of me be honest just like I askedyou folks to be honest how in today inthe modern world when we have instancesof ADHD and other learning disabilitiesand a lot of other people Akita has comedown that affects mental stability whenthe incident happens that’s all that wecan expectupon how does help or not help that andthe person means well or has goodat my husband’s expense and he has reached a point where it isfailingand it’s hard for the surrounding familymembers to understand or to because yeahbecause of the special circumstance the- He’s tiredexhaustion and to be able to because I’mambitious like I go for a lot theydo a lot it doesn’t feel possible for me to slowmyself down as far asto him being a conscious of that being conscious of my ownYou just have to keep working at it butI think you got to pick up the cues whenI am the person who’s got ADHD I am theperson who repeatedly makes mistakes nowmy husband’s expense and he has reacheda point where it is no longer easy forhim to have patienceat this point you know you said you hearthat to your face every day if I youknow I have ADHD you know I’m tryingharder that’s not enough you knowhe’s tired he’s tired so how do I summonup the strength to be patient for hisand there may be other ways you’re goingto raise your hand- That scenario that you painted of this girl with her ID and being Hawaiian but yet so disconnectedfrom these practices of that scenario that andthe Hawaiian way so if you have familyhungry for life yes yes yes by day 2hdso how do I help meet Michael Jana tohim being a conscious of that beingconscious of my own shortcomings and thethings that inhibit it but how do Iovercome that through open oh no I guessis what I’m asking okayyou just have to keep working at it butI think you got to pick up the cues whenso how do you get a family to cometogether and agree to like cuz people get defensiverecognition maybe he needs some spaceand because I can’t always control on myside though I try as much but I want togirl and this family but like to get tothat level is like how???- That’s the modern phenomena. It’s themodern phenomena so this points outthe need for sharing of information to helpindividuals understand what’s requiredof them to participate in you painted of this girl with her ID andbeing Hawaiian but yet so disconnected- It comes down mostly to itreally doesissues that are going on and someone’ssick in the Ohana how do you get their the ADHD that it may be my intention andmaybe if I’m not valuing or respecting what he needsit’s like throwing in the kitchen sinkand pick up the cue and say it’s starting upagain can we sit down and let’s look atso how do you get a family to cometogether and agree to like cuz peopleget defensive yes they doyes they did and those guards are upin a different waynot now in a very deepbe part of the problem because they’retoo busy pointing the finger and takingdoes that make sense?girl and this family but like to get tothat level is like that’s the modernthat’s the modern phenomena it’s themodern phenomena so this points out theneed for sharing of information to helpindividuals understand what’s requiredso this is special circumstances okay sowhen the both of you can talk out whatwill work for the two of youreally don’t know so how do you help them to get to that point?to wanting to do for theright reason and that is to restorefamily love and harmonythe ADHD that it may be my intention andmaybe if I’m not valuing or respectingback the has the job of being ableto read the body language and calling itso in my work with families of today Imake an assumption they don’t know so I describe and I tell them about the essentialpick up the cue and say it’s starting upagain can we sit down and let’s look atwhat would be your needs because I’mstill trying and I know I’m not hittinglove and there’s concern for each otherand you want to have that harmony restoredthat is the true intention you alsohave to have the attitude ofcommunication with Aloha that’s anessential attitudeSo for example and when you talk with your husbandup so if you need the space or whatever it isAloha and if you communicate with AlohayeahI give them examples of the attitudesyou can’t be the all-knowing at allbecause my job is going to point out to youyou gotta come downpoint before you can conduct who openupon Oh everyone involved has to committo wanting to do open upon all for theright reason and that is to restorefamily love and harmony if theyparticipate but hold that don’t letother people know because they don’twant fingers pointed at them for holdingback the Haku has the job of being ableto read the body language and calling itso as the today my skills as thesocial worker come to bear I raise thoseopen open oh so I describe her open upondoor and I tell them about the essentialattitudes and the essential proceduresif you participate you participatebecause there’s an image of your familythat you have experience where there’slove and there’s concern for each otherand you want to have that harmonyrestoredbecause I’m right and then I have to layout that in everybody hastheir own truth everybody has their ownperspective and in wewhen you talk with your husband you canlet them know I love you and I pick thisup so if you need the space or whateverit is tell me and maybe that might bethe path that we can go through so whenyou communicate with him it’s not like 12 3 4 5 yeah it’s coming because of yourlove for each other so communicate withAloha and if you communicate with Alohait’s a communication that promotesunderstanding it’s not a communicationof getting your point acrossyeah and so in preparing families whohave huh cacao with each otherI give them examples of the attitudesthe other one is you have to be ha ha hayou can’t be the all-knowing at allbecause my job is going to point out toyou you can’t come downyou have to act more humble and then Imight ask in the past you know whathumble means because it’s trying tofigure out if they know and if theydon’t know it then maybe I have todescribe it yeah so I asked the pointedquestion in the past have you had anexperience where you were humble becausethe true intention that’s what I’msearching foremphasize the concept you have to be questions that draw out informationabout their life experience beforeto have effective meaning for you the spirit of truthwhich is to be honest to be truthfulwho’s egotistical the one who knows atall that nobody can tell me what to dobecause I’m right and then I have to layout that in ho oponopono everybody hastheir own truth everybody has their ownperspective and in ho oponopono werespect thatso your perspective is only one amongnine others and I intend to honor eachof their perspectives their truth but inthem into the session and I let them allover it because for to workin the right way you have to be ready toexamine that and recognize because as I go around I’m confirmingpeople’s perspectives and the way theysee things and I have to be honest withthat person to let them know this iswhat I perceive from you yourpersonality is such that you’re rightand everybody else is wrong what thisdoes mean is it’s not gonna work for thefamily so what do you wanna do ifeverybody else are willing to workso the job of the is having theskills to discern that because the veryessential attitudes that apply for participants applies to meI love your honesty and you know I haveto respect that honesty and yourdecision but I want you to know afterbeing out if you think it over and ifyou come to the conclusion maybe you canbend a little and you want to try againthe door is open you can approach usagain so I never lock them out but Iso the Spirit of Truth- how do you identify a problem like thatone problem that you going back to Isaid that at the beginning?to have effective meaning for you okayso essential attitudes Alohahahahaha oh yeah or the spirit of truth so at this point I’m relating to whatpeople come with that as the youhave to be astute in identifying thosewhat they do is different I I clarifythat inconsistency or the in congruenceof what is going on this is what I’mpicking up is this what you said and isthis what you described of what you dothey don’t fit to me it’s in congruentdecide for yourself your level of your level of readiness to trust in the process it’s all abouttrusting it and it’s also all about thein the right way you have to be ready toexamine that and recognize money Khalilthat there’s a negative consequencethat’s hurting your family because yousay one thing but you do something elseso my job is to reflect back toparticipants what I hear them sayingwhat I hear their intention is butdoesn’t fit what I hear them describe aswhat they do that’s different from whatthey say does that make sense yeah yeahokay belief in the recognitionthat having harmony and balance withinessential attitudes that apply for herupon upon the participants applies to mebecause I know is a goal that wealways try for because we not godsis my job to describe this to you in anon defensive way in a non attacking way but maybe some things kind ofoff base and so you off balance so itbehooves me to realize Oh babies I’m so sorryyou’re right mommy brought home the from the job thank you so muchfor telling me and pointing this up soI’ve raised my kids to live and if they see the incongruence I want them to tell me it’sproblem because this first stage relatesto what she saidapology because it’s nother open upon Noso at this point I’m relating to whatpeople come with that as the huckle youhave to be astute in identifying thosevalues the attitudes that they need tohave and what happens is because it’srevealed in front of all the familymembers I always let the family membersdon’t make a decision right right atthis moment take a week each of youdecide for yourself your level of macocoyour level of readiness to trust in theopen apana process it’s all abouttrusting it and it’s also all about thehelper knowing it so well that you arethe facilitator and the role model todemonstrate Aloha so my words are nevercondemning never negative it’s alwayspresented in a neutral fashion and it’salways checking myself out I see I heardthis and then I heard this somehow nofit and I off I check with the rest ofthe family does it make sense to folksto and they all agree with me so I saidhelp me understand where you’re comingfrom yeahokay belief in porno the recognitionthat having harmony and balance withineach individual of this group the familyis important to me I buy into that andbecause I know porno is a goal that wealways try for because we not godswe humans we’re going to make mistakesand so every day a lot of what we do ispoor note but maybe some things kind ofoff base and so you off balance so itappears as if it is because that’s the last I going spoil but when there’s ayou’re right mommy brought home the thepity care from the job thank you so muchfor telling me and pointing this up soI’ve raised my kids to live her openupon her and if they see the incongruence I want them to tell me it’swell the jackets were that kid inelementary school was going to costapologythe me color and okay because it’s notthem and I projected it onto them so theprojecting is a subconscious level on mysay no so I raised the question whenyour children were this age and theybut then sometimes there’s a parent whoprojects or goes to the level oftransference because when they wereyoung they were abused and beaten andthe child the children get the same kindof behavior patterns and all that parentknows is beat them until they cannotwalk that is bringing that transferencewith somebody else a long differentperiod ago bringing it to the consciouslevel of the parent today these childrenare not the people in your pastI had a situation where mama took infamily members and didn’t feel they hadthe economic finances to increase thehousehold by another five bodies butbecause the Hawaiian ways when yourfamily need helpyou gotta help so she bit her tongue andshe did that but throughout the years ofbeing foster parents to the nieces andnephew there are many times when sheresented not being able to do things forher own children but they managed tosurvive and everything was okay the kidsgrew up well and then you know as ithappens in life sometimes husband andwife had a child that didn’t plan for itjust came about ten years later but thensuddenly with this young child mamagives in and does whatever the childdoes on the one hand on the one hand itappears as if it is because that’s alasI couldn’t spoil but when there’s apattern of spoiling for ridiculousthings like this kid wasn’t satisfiedfor the May Day program to get an Alohashirt a new Aloha shirt and good pantshe wanted to be spiffy so he saw thisjacket that would make him stand outwell the jackets were that kid inelementary school was going to cussabout $45it went against her better judgment butshe gave in she couldn’t say no when hestarted crying she couldn’t he couldn’tsay no so I raised the question whenyour children Britt this age and theywanted something like what he wanted howwould you deal with it I tell them wedon’t have the money and you’re notgonna get it I’m not spending that kindof money for you to wear just for sixmonths and then you’ll never fit in itagain so I said and look at how yourchildren have turned out wonderfulthey’re your right armshow come you cannot do it with this boyand that question threw her back in hermemory to that earlier time where shehad love and how they came together totake care of that the thing she wanted to when shedescribed that memory I then said to herso you making up for last time lost timewith them with this child but this childneeds exactly the clarity and thefirmness of your guidance that yourchildren had and look at the kind ofadults they are today she stopped andthe tears just came down you know livingthe pain living the pain so I said tothe husband did you know your wife hadthese feelings all these years he saidno she never said anything so I askedthe kids were you aware that mama wasstruggling during this time with yourbrotherbecause it has its roots when you weregrowing up with your cousins and youknow what they said to the mother wewere all here you did a school exactlywhat I would say look at your childrennow they’re good adults too good parentswith their kids you did a wonderful jobso then I turned to the husband and Isaid to him so papaknowing this is how she felt those yearsago what you like do she’s crying youknow you called for help with thisfamily and you would like all ofanything to me stood up walked to hiswife grabbed her lifted her and justto determine the level of readiness and in theyou in this kind of position you shouldhave told me and then she said I triedwhere the problem is but as a I’mlooking at the connections that form theso both began to admit how they fail tomake it work yeah so I looked at thechildren while the parents are doingthis so I said what you folks want to doto help mama I didn’t have to sayanything they all stood up hugged bothparents a beautiful demonstration oflove in this Hawaiian family who alwayssaid love and how they came together totake care of that uh-huhI let them go until gradually theystarted going back to this so then Ivariables you want to know all thesethings because when you toso relieved that it’s out in the openbecause I’ve had this from way back whensame like so giving theprospective family members informationreveal another layer we have to payattention to what are we going to do nowto have theyunderstand they know they come they knowstrength to do that yeah so in this caseit happened before this child was bornso that transference that perpetuate anegative response yeah so how do youlooking at is this person how is this person how is thiswhat do you identify to be the problemwho’s involved in this entanglementthat’s a knot in your family and so Ihear it from one person and of coursethe next question I raised is do all ofthese family members feel like you theypatterns in and that theattitudes are what’s expected of me tooto agree to want and come in or I cansay to that person let them you let themknow you called for help with thisfamily pilikia and you would like all ofprivilege so it’s a two-way street now in the traditional days nomore two-way street it’s out one way andthe makes that determination and indiscussion of the level of readinessthey’re all giving me their versions oftraditional unless they trainsomeone in the family to take over thatknots and I will identify that as myperception from what each of them saidthis appears to be a problem of thismagnitude yeahincorporate an educational aspect in the that I do withbuy your homesdo you just buy the first place that yougoing through a session with me gives them thatknow what the interest rate is you wantto know if there’s fix or there’svariables you want to know all thesethings because when you how topurchase it has to it has to give youthe feeling that you can handle itsame like so giving theprospective family members informationto make an informed decision not likebefore you tell the family we’re goingto have her open upon her theyunderstand they know they come they knowwhat’s expected today’s family knowsometimes this preparation phase takestwo, three sessions. And I’m looking at, how is this person?How is this one?And then I have to let them think about itSo that’s just the preparation phase to participate. When they make a decision to participate they’re very clear they these attitudesare the expected behavior patterns in and that the attitudes are what’s expected of me tooand tif they think I’m going off base I appreciate if they call my attention to thatIt’s okay I want them to be honest about itbecause I want the same privilegeso it’s a two way streetNow, in the traditional days no more two-way streetit’s all one wayand the makes that determinationand then the traditional waythe knowledge and the skill resides and remains in the traditional unless they train someone in the familyto take over that responsibilityFamily situations today are so horrendous the issues of disconnection is really very overpoweringI choose to go and incorporate an educational aspectin the that I do with familiesso that they become knowledgeable about the informationgoing though a session with megives them that experience of what’s it likeand hope for the futurevery different. . . traditional go into the job and get outToday if you go in to do the job for them, they remain locked up with issuesthat are not dealt withlet alone they have no idea because they expect somebody else to solve the problem for themand from where I sitI would be remiss in not helping to educate today’s families about the