Yoga to Cure Sinusitis Problems by Dr. Hansaji Yogendra
Namaskar,Sinuses are hollow cavities in the skull boneas well as the facial bones. Its producesmucus. That’s why helps in lubrication ofthe entire nasal passage. A healthy sinusis filled with air, no problem. But when itgets infected, then it is filled with mucusand this mucus can bring the choking up ofthe nasal passage. It causes pain on the facialregion, basically forehead, cheeks and aroundears. And that is not a healthy Sign. Also,these blockages in the nasal passage is goingto cause difficulty in breathing. We havefour pairs of sinuses frontal sinus, maxillarysinus ethmoid sinus and Sphenoid sinus. Frontalsinus is located above the eyes of this eyebrowsand the area maxillary sinus is located oneither side of noes around that cheekbone. ethmoid sinus on either side of the bridgeof the nose. Sphenoid sinus behind the eyes. These sinuses get infected due to cold, cough,allergies bacterial infection, viruses andeven change of climate. Even when person haslow immunity, sinuses get infected. Such aninflammation of sinuses is called as sinusitis. This sinusitis could be really irritatingbecause of the nasal blockages. You can’tbreathe only well because of nasal infection,because of pain around forehead, checks aroundear and because of itching on the skin. Hairloss and really bad headache. We must preventsinus. It is totally in our hand. How to PreventSinusitis So here are some do’s and don’ts,which you should know to prevent sinusis. First, avoid bathing. Mistake. Do not playwith water. Do not stay in bath for long. You should take bath within five to 7 minutesor water on your hair last after you finishwatching your whole body. And this way youwould minimize the wetness period of yourscalp. When head remains cold, that head coldis going to create problems. It is definitelygoing to inflame the sinuses. I would saythat whenever you have to wash your hair orwant to wet your hair, then carry two towels. 1. Immediately after you become wet, wrapthe towel on your head. So by the time youcome out of your bathroom you are alreadywrapped up and then dry the body out withanother towel. So this is extra precaution,which you should take after that when youcome out, see to it that your room doesn’thave any fan or the AC is not on. You shouldbe in a normal temperature. Avoid breeze onyour body because breeze will cool down yoursystem more. After all, what is this? Cold?Cold is deficiency of Heath, so you have toincrease heat in your body. Don’t cool down. So sit in your room after bar for 5 7 minutes,quietly let the sweat come out. If at all,you are in a humid climate and then quietlywipe your body nicely. As far as hairs areconcerned, thoroughly rub your calf nicelywith dry towel and then if at all, you haveto use. Then use your hair dry sparingly andwait for some time. After bath, person shouldsit quietly for at least 10 minutes and doall these things and become very dry and clean. Number two, Write bedtime discipline. Makesure that when you sleep you don’t sleep underfan or when the AC is strong on on your body,see to it that your body doesn’t cool down. Suddenly the strong blast of air because offad and AC on face is going to inflate irritateyour sinuses and you will suffer from sinuscycles. When you sleep, the blood pressuregoes low. The circulation on face is definitelypoor. So while sleeping you should cover yourface with scarf or one pillow above your headso that the frontal sinus are warmed up andthis warm sinuses will not have excess mucuspassages would remain open. So while sleepingperson must cover their head and sleep. Inhot climate, take a very thick loin clothin cold climate where a monkey cap and sleep,but you should keep your head warm. Your sleepingposition also is an important factor. Supposeyour right nostril is blocked, then you shouldlie down on the left side, definitely littlePillow below your head. And if your left nostrilis blocked, lie down on the right side Seeto it that you are lying down on sides andpractically on one side. So become aware ofthe passages and see to it that the blockagesdon’t remain for a longer time. So the momentyou feel block, turn to other side and openup the blockages and this is how you manageat night. Third point heat applicant givesome warmth on your face. Keep giving that. Use Hot water Bag. Keep it on the face forsome time for five minutes and the sinuseswould be warmed up. Warming up of sinuseswith hot water bag will clear the congestionvery fast. Another thing is steam inhalation. You can use steam inhalation. You see thatthe congestion is released. You can put adrop of eucalyptus oil in the water and keepyour face over it and inhale. But as far aspossible, use just plain water and see thatthe water is not boiling. After boiling water,bring that pot on your table, let it cooldown a bit and then keep your face over itand inhale. Steam fully exhale from mouth. Inhale from Nose exhale from mouth. Keep yourface over it. The steam will touch your face,warm up all the sinuses, then wipe your faceand sleep. This is the best way to managesinus cycles as far as what to put in yourmouth is concerned. First is water and thatis warm water. Drink only warm water. If youfind your nostril passages are congested,you should use all these warming techniques. The moment you find your nose is congestedor the moment you find you are sneezing andsneezing. I have noticed people when theywake up in the morning, they sneeze 20 to30 times. Now. What is the whole problem?They are not covering their head and sleeping. They are sleeping under fan. The AC is on. And above all, they are not clearing up theirsinuses. And so immediately use hot waterbag on face. And from next night, see to itthat you cover your head and sleep. Drinkwarm water every half an hour, and you willbe clearing up your sinuses very fast. Andautomatically you will be preventing the developmentof condition number four, avoid mucus producingfood and see to it that the food is immunityboosting also. Avoid non vegetarian food,junk food and oily food. All these foods aregoing to produce more and more mucus. Food,which has lots of spices, also will producemucus. Different people have different tendencies. There are people who have a tendency to catchcold very fast. Such people should totallyavoid taking a cold drink. Cold drinks shouldnever be there. Ice cream is fine, but icecream also should be taken very softly, verygently, like a scoop of ice cream in the Mouth. Let it Melt. Let it become warm and then allowit to go to your stomach. That would not beharmful so much. But in any case, if you havetaken any of these things, even in cold drink,you Sip cold drink in your mouth, keep itin the mouth, make it warm and then let itgo into your stomach. In any case, these areirritants cold drinks ice creams. You havetried your level best still, so better. Aftertaking these immediately drink warm water,half a glass of warm water and wash away theresidues in your throat that would help youto manage things again. People are afraidof curd and buttermilk. They should take curdand butter milk during day. Those who catchcold cough sinusitis have sinusitis, asthmaallergy don’t avoid curd at butter milk, butit should be in morning breakfast or in theafternoon or latest by evening by four o’clock. But after that, never take curd or buttermilk at night. Avoid that at night again. See that night food is totally avoided. Suchpeople they should eat food by seven latest. Rather I would say start sitting on diningtable at 6 30. Finish your food by seven. After that, don’t put anything in your mouthexcept warm water. Eat food that will helpyou developing immunity. And here comes theplace of ginger, place of even black pepper. Place of garlic. Garlic. Though it is notsatvik, but as a medicine when it is requiredin our body, you should take garlic. It ismuch better than any other medicine. So youshould use these things in your food whenyou are suffering from sinusitis. Well inthe morning the congestion is felt very heavy. Once you start doing your activity, circulationis proper, congestion goes away. So in themorning person must have what is called asherbal tea. So boil water with ginger, lemongrass, Mint leaves, tulsi leaves, black pepperand then have a nice liquid, half milk, halfwater and drink that, that would be wonderful. Remember that a spoon of Ghee should go inyour body every day so you could use it onyour chapati. You could use it in your vegetablesin whatever way a spoon of Ghee should goadd sufficient amount of fruits and vegetablesto your diet. In olden times the treatmentfor cold cough sinusitis was nothing elsebut vitamin C. That’s why try and see thatyou drink lemon juice but hot in a day withhoney inside or jaggery liquid inside andsee to it that you are taking Amla. Amla is30 times more vitamin C and so something todo with Amla, Amla chutney or Amla Supariin whatever way you can eat Amla. Amla alsoshould go into your system. At night a glassof turmeric milk with little pinch of pepperwould work wonders to see that the mucus ishandled well and your immunity system remainsstrong. Fifth point, Yoga practices all theseyoga techniques asanas, Pranayams, hygienic,criyas all these work wonders in keeping yoursinuses healthy and keeping sinusitis awayfrom your system. When you find that the mucusis accumulated in your body, then do one thing. Do the tapping. You are as if hammering yourfinger around your sinus region. So this isthe way you should do the tapping over there. You are increasing circulation to the surfacelevel by wish you are releasing the congestion. Press and release, Press and release. Pressthese areas strongly on both the sides. Massageyour forehead, press and release. This isa very strong technique to release the congestionduring day. When you find that your nostrilsare open, they are totally free from blockages. Then definitely do jala neti with saline waterand which should be a little warm. Form ahabit that whenever you are just sitting doingnothing. Two things you should be doing regularly. One is Kapalbhati breathing in and breathingout fast the air at the nasal passage Thatis, this and second Kapalrandhra Dhouti movingyour hand on your forehead around ear aroundaround your cheeks. Your hand should be warm. In addition to all these simple simple things,one must practice asanas and Pranayams regularly. These are most powerful techniques to keepyour immune system strong and your body conditionvery fit and healthy. Certain asanas likeTalasana where you are raising your handsup using all the different sets of muscleswhich are used in breathing are wonderfulasanas Parvatasana, Konasana number three,When you are bending down and looking up,the sinuses are getting cleared up. Yoga Mudrawhen you are bending forward to increase circulationto face regions, chakrasana and bending backand bending forward again to help increasein circulation and in lying down thing Yashtikasanaagain, whole bodies getting stretched Hastapadangushthasanaand various variations and Bhujangasana lyingdown and lifting your head up. These asanasshould be done very regularly with this onething more and that is surya namaskar threesets of surya namaskar should be done everyday. Don’t do too much. Don’t fatigue yourselftired yourself only see that the circulationon the whole body is perfect and good circulationon the face is improved in Pranayam, AnulomaViloma is a much because it really focuseson each passage correctly. And then finallyPranayama number four, when you lie down andbreathe in and breathe out to see that thediaphragm is functioning well, the tensionof your body is felt at diaphragm region soyou are releasing the tension of your bodyand that would help in sinusitis. Sinusitisis a condition, understand it’s not a disease. Don’t take any medicines for sinusitis. Thereare people who say take this medicine forone full year and you will be free from sinusitisor free from cold. No problem comes suddenlyin your body. Body always gives signal. Winningis always with some simple thing and theseare two simple things like congestion of nosesneezing little pain here and there. Immediatelyattend to it. Whatever we have shown you tillnow. Just follow them meticulously. And youwill notice that slowly, slowly will not getinto this trouble at all. You would preventthe problems. You will be able to functionregularly. Change of climate and weather willnot affect you because you have attended toyourself immediately above all these management. Mind management is so important. Very sensitive. Mind, touchy, mind. Somebody says somethingand you get hurt. Now that is going to affectyour sinuses. You will have reactions of climaticchange too. So try and see that you becomementally mature. Try and see that for little-littlethings you don’t get angry sometimes it ismentioned that panted anger is the basic emotionin people suffering from all these airwayproblems. Try and see and Don’t take stress. People are different than they are going tobe different. Accept them as they are andenjoy their varieties. And relaxation definitelyhelps in building up immunity to work againstall infections and all allergies. Always bephysically active, be energetic. Come on,run around physically, be fit. And that wouldhelp. Try and see that you take life joyfully. You take interest in life, take interest inweather nature around you, and that wouldhelp you to cope up with all these problemsvery easily. If no physical activity is possible,at least climb five floors up and down twoor 3 times in a day. And that would keep yourlungs your sinuses absolutely free from pollution. So try and take care of yourself in this fashionEnjoy life. Be joyful, jumpy, bubbly, andenjoy every moment. Namaskar