Muscle Testing and the Law of Attraction LIVE Demonstration feat Gavin Stephenson
this video we’re going to show you howto use muscle testing with the law ofattraction we’re going to show you howto break past past limitations and howto start living from a totally newparadigm welcome back to another videomy name is Erin and I help peopleexpand their consciousness and this isGavin from wake up fulfilled and todaywe’re making a pretty cool video I thinkthis is a videos gonna be something alittle bit different than many of youhave seen before and right now we’re inCosta Rica how you like Costa Rica ohit’s fun it’s beautiful it’s beautifulhere nice weather nice tree bugseverywhere yeah we’ve been here for awhole week there’s three other youtubersas well that we’re here at this placecalled rythme in Costa Rica and we’rehaving a great time we’re all last daywe went through a whole week oftransformation and now it’s all aboutwe’re trying to pop out as many videosas we can so that we give you guys awhole bunch of content so today whatwe’re gonna be talking about issomething that I knowGavin showed me a long time ago and ithas to do with something I read in thebook called power versus force so maybesome of you guys know and have seen myvideos when I show that skill ofconsciousness and at scale consciousnessthere’s different emotions that vibrateat a certain frequency and the idea isthat as we move up this vibrationalscale we increase our frequency now whatGavin knows and what Gavin has showed meis there is a process that he uses whichis called muscle testing and muscletesting will make you aware of what youbelieve to be true and maybe you’ve seenthe videos where I talk about howbeliefs create our reality but there’sthis really cool process that might haveGavin share with you that has to do withknowing whether you believe something ispossible because the thing is if youdon’t believe something is possibleyou’re not even gonna start takingaction with it you’re not going to movein that direction so you must believe itto be true before you actually startmoving to that direction so you want toshare a little bit about muscle testingand how powerful it is and how you’veused it in your life sure so first Iwant to talk about abundance and moneybecause I’ve always wanted to make moremoney in my life because I grew up in areally rough neighborhood and stuff andyou know my name was like a big deal forme and what I found is like I had thesebeliefs that were stuck with me fromachievingyes in fact I’ve got sort of point whereI was actually making a lot of money butwhat would happen is our self-sabotagebecause I have beliefs underlying thatthat said I could only make 60 K peryear so what I’m gonna do in this videoI’ll show you how to muscle test andfind out exactly how much you couldpotentially make per year and in how tochange it and give you the ability tomanifest more because you don’t want tolike put hard effort into creatingsomething into your reality you likeusing a lot of force when using a lot offorce what happens is you you ruin yourhealth it doesn’t feel good it’sstressful and what you want to do whenit comes to taking action is it needs tobe more flowing more enjoyable becauseif you’re unmotivated and you’re tryingto push yourself all the time like GaryVaynerchuk start it’s like hustle grindyou really hurt yourself it’s unhealthyto do long term especially if you’re notfully aligned emotionally and mentallynow when you are mentally andemotionally aligned it’s like easy tohustle because it’s just like somethingyou just do naturally because you’re inlove of it you you’re aligned with itand stuff it’s nature so muscle testingis basically a part of a appliedkinesiology and what it allows you to dois find out certain beliefs that you hadhave even chiropractors use it in theirpractices and stuff to find out you knowwhat vertebraes are out of alignment andstuff like this so we can do it to findout the least we can do it to find outwhat’s wrong with our body we can do itfor many different things so muscletesting is simply using a part of yourbody we can actually test Aaron rightnow to find out what he believes he canmake for ya so what we’re gonna do iswe’re gonna use his body he’s gonna puthis arm out and I’m gonna like bepushing down his arm and finding outlike what’s what what he believes youcould potentially make be I’m sure it’svery high okay so if you put your myfriend okay and find out so what we’regonna do is gonna say do I believe I canmake a hundred thousand blows be it yesokay do I believe that my counterpartgoes be here you just push it push yourarm up okayall right so when he’s Amish strong thatmeans this a yes okaymoney’s army is no that means this whenit’s arm is weak sorry that means it’s ano okay so what we want to do is findout where his no iswe find out where he’s known as we knowthat’s his cap or like how much hebelieves tempeh tempeh tential II makeyeah alright so let’s try $500,000 beerdo you believe you can make $500,000 foryou yeah okay okay so that’s stillstrong what about million dollars beerokay hello that’s pretty strong tennis –lets go really high five million dollarsPierre okay we’re getting a littleweaker there yeah okay and then we’regonna do ten million dollars per yearyeah yeah yeah so that there becomes theweakness so what do you what he needs todo and if he wants to increase that nowto ten million which he doesn’tnecessarily have to be right but if youwant to increase that what he would dois find out when he says ten milliondollars per year in his body what hewould do he is he would look for youknow a feeling or a sensation in hisbody where he has like a weakness orlike a dull ache or maybe like asensation or like an emotion maybe forme when I had ten million I feel likeback here in the back of my neck like Idon’t know a sensation back here so itfeels like there might be beliefs that Ihave around us so what you do is youlook into that particular frequency thatenergy right there and you just startrepeating some horn upon upon oh okay Idon’t even heard of that beforewell you simply repeat I love you I’msorry please forgive me thank you i loveyou i’m sorry please forgive me thankyou over and over and over again watchoff feeling that that sensation and whatwill happen to happen is that particularvibrational frequency will start todissolve okay so for you at homewhat you want to do is you can actuallyuse a different technique you can ifyou’re with someone you can actuallytest the belief doing it like we justshared review so strong would be a yesand week would be a no or you can usethis is the one I use and I teach in myprograms is you you do this littlecircle thing right here and then you putthese two fingers and belief and sorryyou put these two fingers in between andthen you push them apart so pushing themapart when it’s strong that’s a yes whenit’s weak that’s a no so if I say myname is Gavin right it’s nice and strongif I say my name Aaron it’s areally week yeah so that that’sbasically how you test so you can testdo I believe I can make a hundredthousand dollars per year and okay yesdo I believe it to make ten milliondollars per year look I get a clear noall right so I know these beliefs isactually stopping me from reaching tenmillion dollars per year now you knowten million dollars per year is a lot ofmoney yeah okay so you don’t necessarilyneed to believe that but if you’resomeone at home and you want to increaseyour income get a job that you want tomanifest into your life or you knowstart a business or whatever it is youneed to be fully aligned with and theway you do that is by finding thebeliefs that you have around it and thenyou release the energy from around itjust by using the hähnel pone opponenttechnique and just repeat and I love youI’m sorry please forgive me thank youover and over and over again until youfeel like that energy has completelygone and if anything is it’s like youknow there’s a lot of like affirmationsand like you know audio and subliminalsand stuff and what I find is if youstill have that belief like here thatyou can’t make more than 10 milliondollars per year that emotions stillthere it’s gonna be hard for you that toget to that level yeah and actuallysustain it for a long period of time soyes basically that’s really cool Ididn’t know he’s gonna do that we’regonna do the live demonstration Ithought that was really cool though andI could feel it too every time you wentup it was I could still straw I feltstrong at a hundred and five hundred anda million even it felt strong but it’s Icould feel it yeah it was it was it wasgetting weaker as he went like I couldfeel the the resistance begin to likeincrease where it was like harder to dobut yeah that’s really cool so what youguys can do is go like this like Gavinsaid put your fingers like this inbetween and then test it and you’ll getthe answer to what yes or no is and thiswhat he’s sharing right now is the samestuff they taught that they talked aboutin the book power versus force with dr. David Hawkins it’s muscle testingunderstanding that our muscles and ourbody is integrated with the subconsciousmind some people have even said I thinkof more like Elliott Hulse say it beforeit’s like your body is the subconsciousmind yeah there is parts of your bodythat correlate with certain with certainbeliefs and even I was just at that thatstem cell thing that I’m doingand there’s laser they port they put oncertain parts of the body whichcorrelate with certain organs which alsocorrelate with certain emotions in whichwould correlate with certaindecision-making processes and certainadrenal glands and all of this differentstuff sothe body’s like the map but it’s it’sit’s about becoming aware of that andallowing and diffusing the energybecause even if you if you don’t believethat you can make a certain amount peryear and you listen to affirmations youdo all this stuffit’s cluttering up the mind and it mightbe like you know maybe you start tobelieve it a little bit but there’salways going to be that resistance soit’s like a tug-of-war like if youbelieve oh I I want to I believe that Ican have a successful business by at thesame time my name is the real Louisvillebut there’s a huge conflict this yeah atug of war you’re battling back andforth and that’s why that’s why you needto do releasing and be fully alignedwith what you are wanting to createperfect yeah be a part of this I wantedto touch on briefly is the the power ofjust awareness because what you told meit’s funny because he said that hisbelief that he used to believe was hecould make sixty thousand dollars peryear my belief used to be sixty thousanddollars per year as well and I worked atBarneys New York’s on woman shoes inevery year when I do my taxes it waslike almost right on it like sixty threethousand or sixty thousand and therewere there was one year where I think Igot I got like ten thousand dollars assomething I forget what it was for bonusit was like a but yeah or something likethat and when I got it it was gone veryquickly it was almost like it was like asabotage and that’s because of the powerof the self-image the way we seeourselves our subconscious mind will doeverything it can to be consistent tothe way we see ourselvesso if Gavin’s like oh I want to make ahundred thousand a year I’m like I wantto make a hundred thousand a year butour barometers or our six set at sixtythousand there’s it’s like the energiesare just conflicting it’s like no matterwhat we do it’s like the subconsciousmind is gonna say yeah okay Aaron keeptrying you know what I mean but you’reyou’re you’re only capable of this butthe key is to know that you’re in youwere inside of a box you were inside ofa box of I could only make sixtythousand dollars per year once youbecome aware of the box is when youstart to transcend it because in thatawareness you come out of the box youlook at the box and you say I don’tchoose this anymoreI would just unaware I was in a box Iwas unaware of my self-image so thefirst step you can take right now is tobecome aware of your self-image becomeaware of what your blocks are or becomeaware of your how you see yourself andthen work on these different beliefswork on beliefs about money work onbeliefs about relationships work onbeliefs about life in general andyou come up to a certain point whatGavin was saying is imagine on the partof the body and see where you feel thatsensation go within and you might saylike when he was talking about his moneybeliefs in his neck when I think of itfor some reason goes around my heart Ican feel like this little pull in myheart when I think of like 10 million ayear or something so maybe there’ssomething some belief I have that’sattached to love or it’s attached to medoing my passion for a living andthere’s some subconsciouschild stuff or you know I don’t know butthat’s where I feel it so what I woulddo is I would do ho oponopono on myheart center and I would wait until thatEnergy starts to subside I would waittill it starts to it starts to loosen upand go away and that’s when we start tochange our reality is that’s a greatthing you don’t need to know or go backto your childhood and find out the exactbelief or what happened whatever it isyou just need to feel the sensation inyour body you need to find ya whereisn’t it’s easy to feel you just closeyour eyes just center yourself thatbreathe a little bit and just thinkabout that the money that you want orbeing in a relationship or whatever ismaybe when you feel think aboutrelationships and maybe you’ve beencheated on in a pastor so you wentthrough something or whatever is fillwhere that is in your body and startdissolving that because what what you’redoing actually is forgiving yourselfyou’re releasing the energy and you’resort of dispelling it out of your systemand once that vibration is gone you knowit changes everything and one of theother examples around like the $60,000PA is like people who win the lotteryyes they own the lottery and then theylose it all after a few years becausesometimes a hundred million like theyspend over a hundred million dollars andthey don’t pay their taxes and they’rescrewed right hundred million dollarsbecause they saw themselves as only ableto maybe make a hundred thousand dollarsyou know or less or maybe like fiftythousand dollarsyes so it’s crazy like you always comeback to what you believe and what youfeel ya always come back to what you’reresonate imagine yourself is like aradio station that’s you know you knowtuned into a specific frequency you wantourself what frequency are you tunedinto right and let you find out and youlearn more about yourself you may haveto grow that and raise that to a highervibrational frequency which goes back totheir power versus force once you raiseyour vibration on the scale of the powerversus force what starts to happen isyou’re trying to allow more into yourlife and you have this sort of force soyou have this energy powerfulenergy to help you create more more whatyou would prefer yeah what you wouldlike to see whereas if you run lower onthe scale it’s like struggle frustrationwhen I you know I first slide mybusiness was working a nine-to-five jobyou know forklift driver working tenhours a day sleeping like for five hoursa night you know I was really grindingputting a lot of effort in I got reallysick stressful anxiety depression usingall the force a lot of sorry out of yeaha lot of thoughts yeah so now now I’musing a lot of power right which is amuch higher vibrational state and I’mable to allow more into my life so yeahit’s beautiful yeah thank you I I thinkthis is it’s like getting to the coreit’s like a lot of people try to changethe outer reflection in their life theygo around you know and even me for a lotof times trying to change the outsidecan I change this can I change theexternal but the key is actually tochange on the inside and when you becomeaware of these beliefs then the outerreflection changes anyways but it’s allabout awareness it’s all about beingpresent to the moment it’s all aboutallowing the emotions to be there it’sabout self love that’s why ho no ponopono can be very powerful because you’reliterally giving yourself the love thatyou maybe haven’t given yourself beforeand then as you change that change yourvibrational frequency and then itchanges everything in your life so thankyou for coming on Gavin it’s good to behere I’m gonna have Gavin’s channel butdown below definitely check it out aswell he makes videos in the law ofattraction and very similar content asfar as the topics go on this channel sosome of you guys would be interested aswell on that we’re gonna get to enjoyingour final day here in Costa Rica andwe’ll see you guys in the next videopeacemuch love and namaste