MORNING Affirmations for CONFIDENCE | 21 Day Meditation Challenge
Morning I Am Affirmations for Confidence. Listen to these affirmations every morningfor 21 days in a row. Doing so will ingrain these powerful statementsand help you feel and act more assured, assertive,and confident. In this recording, I’ll recite each affirmation,then you’ll repeat it back to yourself, eitherout loud or in your mind. The more emotion and enthusiasm you put intothese affirmations, the more you’ll get outof them. Let’s begin. I am confident. I am growing and changing for the better. I am competent, smart, and capable. I am worthy of all the good in my life. I am confident in my abilities. I am strong and powerful. I am calm and comfortable in social situations. I love the person I am becoming. I acknowledge my self-worth. My self-confidence is strong. I boldly pursue what I want in life. I believe in myself. I calmly stand up for myself and my beliefs. I confidently meet every challenge. I speak my mind with respect for myself andothers. I express my thoughts and opinions with confidence. I have steadfast confidence in myself. Confidence is my nature. Confidence is my birthright. Confidence empowers me to take action. Confidence allows me to live life to the fullest. Being confident improves my life. Feeling confident is simply who I am. I enjoy being comfortable around others. I move forward even when facing fear. I am bold. I am courageous. I am positive and optimistic. I am self-assured. I am self-reliant. I am upbeat and enthusiastic. I am assertive. I am calm and collected. I am confident and composed. I am poised. I am cool. I am comfortable in my own skin. I am confidence personified!I am secure. I am brave. I am valiant. I am courageous. I am safe and secure. I am undaunted. I believe in myself. I bring value to the world. I am worthy. I am enough. I am confident. I am growing and changing for the better. I am competent, smart, and capable. I am worthy of all the good in my life. I am confident in my abilities. I am strong and powerful. I am calm and comfortable in social situations. I love the person I am becoming. I acknowledge my self-worth. My self-confidence is strong. I boldly pursue what I want in life. I believe in myself. I calmly stand up for myself and my beliefs. I confidently meet every challenge. I speak my mind with respect for myself andothers. I express my thoughts and opinions with confidence. I have steadfast confidence in myself. Confidence is my nature. Confidence is my birthright. Confidence empowers me to take action. Confidence allows me to live life to the fullest. Being confident improves my life. Feeling confident is simply who I am. I enjoy being comfortable around others. I move forward even when facing fear. I am bold. I am courageous. I am positive and optimistic. I am self-assured. I am self-reliant. I am upbeat and enthusiastic. I am assertive. I am calm and collected. I am confident and composed. I am poised. I am cool. I am comfortable in my own skin. I am confidence personified!I am secure. I am brave. I am valiant. I am courageous. I am safe and secure. I am undaunted. I believe in myself. I bring value to the world. I am worthy. I am enough. I am confident. Again, to get the most out of these affirmations,I recommend you listen to them every morningfor 21 days in a row. After that, you can return to this recordingwhenever you need a boost of confidence andinspiration. Thanks for listening. Have an awesome day.