Dr Wayne Dyer – 5 Minutes Before You Fall Asleep – Positive Affirmations – Wayne Dyer Meditation –
Tonight and every night for the rest ofyour life I want you to take the lastfive minutes before you go off to sleepand realize that you are about toprogram your subconscious mind. Yoursubconscious mind is most at home whenyou are unconscious when you are asleep. If you spend the last five minutes ofyour day which so many people do,reviewing all of the things that youdon’t like and all the things thatdidn’t work out and how terrible youfeel and who abused you and who was meanto you and who said this and they didthis and you’re constantly doing thiskind of thing with your mind then youare programming your subconscious mindthat when you awaken because you’re nowabout to marinate for the next eighthours in your subconscious mind. And thenwhen you awaken you will rejoin theuniversal subconscious mind the mind ofGod from which we all originate we’reall just individualized personalexpressions of that one thing that wecalled the Tao or God or Divine mindor soul or spirit but the Tao that canbe named is not the Tao. So you want to be real careful about howyou program your subconscious mind. Thisis from the book of Job, in a dream; in avision of the night when deep sleepfalls upon men while slumbering on theirbeds then he opens the ears of men andseals their instruction – Job 33 15 and 16. When you are slumbering on your bed, heopens your ears and seals yourinstruction. What you place into yoursubconscious mind as you are about to gointo this deep slumber is all dependentupon what you do the last three or fouror five minutes before you go off tosleep. You want to place into yourimagination whatever you have placedinto the ‘I am that’ that I spoke aboutearlier ‘I am’ well ‘I am’ content ‘I am’peaceful ‘I am’ happy ‘I am’ prosperous ‘I am’abundant I am God. I am God. I am God. Because, at the basic core each and everyone of us are just that. It’s like if you’ll just close your eyesand just listen to this meditation,it’s from the book three magic words. Here’swhat I’d like you to say to yourself atnight. I know that I am pure spirit, that Ialways have beenand that I always will be. There isinside me a place of confidence andquietness and security where all thingsare known and understood, this is theuniversal mind God of which I am apartand which responds to me as I ask of it. This universal mind knows the answer toall of my problems and even now theanswers are speeding their way to me Ineedn’t struggle for them, I needn’tworry or strive for them, when the timecomes the answers will be there. I givemy problems to the great mind of God Ilet go of them, confident that thecorrect answers will return to me whenthey are needed. Through the great Law ofAttraction everything in life that Ineed for my work and fulfillment willcome to me. It is not necessary that Istrain about this only believe for inthe strength of my belief my faith willmake it so. I see the hand of divineintelligence all about me, in the flower,the tree, the brook, the meadow. I knowthat the intelligence that created allthese things is in me and around me andthat I can call upon it for my slightestneed. I know that my body is amanifestation of pure spirit and thatspirit is perfect therefore my body isperfect also. I enjoy life for each daybrings a constant demonstration of thepower and wonder of the universe andmyself. I am confident. I am serene. I am sure. No matter what obstacle orundesirable circumstance crosses my pathI refuse to accept it for it is nothingbut illusion. There can be no obstacle orundesirable circumstance to the mind ofGod which is in me, around me, and servesme now. This is the great lesson; knowthis within you. When Herman Melville waswriting Moby Dick, he wasn’t writingabout a man looking for a whale he waswriting about a man trying to find hishigher self he said these words, for asthis appalling ocean surrounds theverdant land, so in the soul of man liesone insular Tahiti full of peace and joybut encompassed by all of the horrorsof the half lived life. In every moment of your life as you leave here today you have this choice,you can either be a hostto Godor a hostageto your ego. It’s your call. Thank you, god bless you. Namaste. Thank you.