This Teacher Has A Stammer And Is Using It To Change His Students’ Lives
My name is A. . . A. . . A. . . because I can t saymy first name. My name is...
My name is A. . . A. . . A. . . because I can t saymy first name. My name is...
In this video, Tom Bilyeu, an American entrepreneur, explains how we can make a change and pursue our dreams. According to him,...
In the following video, Vishen Lakhiani, an entrepreneur, author, and speaker, explains the morning ritual that helps him to improve productivity and...
In the following video, Oprah Winfrey interviews Paulo Coelho about the language of the Universe. He believes that we get the signs...
In his video, Sonia Choquette, a best-selling author and spiritual teacher, explains how to recognize when we live our life from intuition...
In this video, Bernadette Logue from the Daily Positive explains how to align with our soul. According to her, when we deeply...
In the following video, Tom Bilyeu, an American entrepreneur, explains why we should be afraid of not making a decision and not...
In the following video, Trevor Ilesley, a founder of Bemeism, shares with us his valuable experience of depression and explains how to...
In the following video, Cheryl Richardson, a best-selling author, and life coach speaks about self-care and its role when dealing with difficult...
In this video, Tom Bilyeu, an American entrepreneur explains how ego can hold us back from success. According to him, being humble...
In the following video, Evan Carmichael shares with us his insights about great ideas and why a majority of them does not...
In the following video, Margie Warrell, a best-selling author, speaker, and coach explains why is it important for us to find a...
In the following video, Pema Chodron, a Tibetan Buddhist nun speaks about self-compassion and our true self. According to her, we already...
In the following video, Marie Forleo interviews Dani Shapiro, a best-selling author, who shares her experience and wisdom about the writing process....
The following video releases what we can do to help our child have an emotionally healthy childhood. It offers us useful information...
In the following TEDx talk, Dr. James Doty, a professor of neurosurgery at Stanford speaks about compassion and why it matters. According...
The following video explains in a descriptive way, why we needn’t worry what others think. Namely, opinions of other people put a...
In this video, Bernadette Logue, a founder of The Daily Positive blog explains how we can increase joy in our lives. She...