Seth Speaks-The Eternal Validity of the Soul-Jane Roberts Chapter 1-513 Audiobook by DEAR HELEN 海轮海轮
the fact of this book is proof that theego does not have the whole kettle ofpersonality to itself for there’s nothought that...
the fact of this book is proof that theego does not have the whole kettle ofpersonality to itself for there’s nothought that...
SETH“Você cria sua própria realidade”As gravações de Seth não foram feitasem um estúdio. O texto o ajudará a acompanhara voz de Seth...
What is the Hawaiian worldview allindigenous peoples have worldviews andthey’re all not the same value isuniversal but how you put it into...
Spirituality is a belief in powersthat’s greater than oneselfIt’s those powers that have control overlife and deathIn the Western way we talk...
Entrevista com Aunty MahealaniBig Island – HavaíOlá, meus lindos co-criadores! Aqui é Lilou e hoje estou com Tia Mahealani, em Big Island....
This relaxing meditation is guided by Doreen Virtue and can help us relax. She assists us in preparing for a good sleep...
In the following video, Michelle Buchanan, a numerologist, author and a practitioner of the Law of Attraction, guides us through this meditation...
In this conversation between John Holland, one of the most respected psychic mediums, and John Brian Weiss, regresso therapist, we can learn...
How to get what I want? “Attitude of Appreciation” answers by Teal Swan “The Spiritual Catalyst”.
Actor Jim Carrey talks about the ‘oneness’ of us all and the ‘Universal Mind’.
An introduction to Kirlian photography. In Kirlian electro-photography a mild electrical charge of a specific frequency and voltage with very low current...
A look at the philosophy that influenced the two greatest thinkers of all time, Lao-Tse and Confucius.
Spiritualist Teal explains out of body experiences, and astral projections. She explains that conscious control of OBE is an invaluable tool for one to...
You have the power to create the life you want. Here is an interesting video on consciousness, the power of letting go...
What is forgiveness and why is it important for all of us to forgive. The acclaimed teacher and author, Jack Kornfield, explains that...
Wayne Dyer talks to Oprah Winfrey about the Tao and his best selling book “Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life: Living...
A Nasa physicist explains his theory of the Universe being an ‘information’ Universe. A theory that the great Sages throughout the ages...
Another gem from Alan Watts. This time talking about memories and the effect they generally have on us. However they no longer...