What is a PSYCH-K® Balance?
Het ding met PSYCH-K is dat het niet een soort van one trick pony, het is niet alleen een dingje doeten wat...
Het ding met PSYCH-K is dat het niet een soort van one trick pony, het is niet alleen een dingje doeten wat...
These programs can change a belief you had your entire life in maybe 15 20 minutesMany of them create a state of...
It’s difficult to know much for certainabout the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. Even his name can be a little confusing; itis also...
Lao Tzu, is a Chinese legendary and historicalfigure who is considered to be the founderof Taoism. Taoism is the philosophy that teachesus...
Lao Tzu, literally translated as ‘old master’was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writerwho is known to be the founder of Taoism. Taoism...
Ever tried, Ever failed. . No matter, try again, fail again, fail betterI had so many dream of where I wanted to...
In this vast universewe are not simply neighbors if we live on earth. We’re roommates, because we share the same house. And...
Let me tell you something you already knowThe world ain’t all sunshine and rainbowsIt’s a very mean and nasty place,and I don’t...
– First of all, I wanna just thank you allfor the privilege to behere, not only hopefullyto serve you for a few...
The words I’m about to share with younow can completely transform your life. Absorb them, know them and implement themand you will...
– Have you seen the movie “The Secret”or have you read the book “The Secret”?Now maybe you have heardof the Law of...
Hello there and welcome. I’m Bob Proctor. and I’m going to take youback a little in time. There’s no PowerPoints,there’s no great...
I but to tell you about the strangestsecret in the world the secretsome years ago the late Nobelprize-winning doctor albert schweitzerwas being...
Hello there and welcome. I’m Bob Proctor. Did you know in 2006 whenThe Secret hit the street,it went all over the world....