STOP NEGATIVE SELF TALK – Listen To This Everyday
You have got to change the way you think. It is the whole determining factor of whereyou go in life. We are all where we are todaybecause we thought ourselves to this position. If you don’t like the position, think yourselfout of it. Your brain is divided into 2 halves. Positive and negative. Good and evil. It don’tfunction on nothing else. Ain’t no neutralground in your brain. It’s either positiveand good, or negative and evil. Each halfof your brain has millions of factory workerson each side. You got a million factory workerson the positive side, you got a million factoryworkers on the negative side. At the forefrontof each one of those factories in your brainis a foreman. You got foreman positive, andyou got foreman negative. You are in charge. You’re the boss of the factory. Guess what?We are how we think. You can’t make a world,but you can make your own world. So now, sinceyour brain is in 2 halves, let me show youhow this works. You wake up in the morningand you say “man, I don’t feel myselftoday. I got up on the wrong side of the bed. I’m not a morning person. ” Foreman negativehears that. He steps to the front. He says“what did you say”? You say “I saidI woke up on the wrong side of bed today,I’m not myself I’m not a morning person. He say “you got it right away. ” He said“hey. The boss just woke up and said he’snot a morning person, he’s having a badday today, and he ain’t feeling himself. Let’s get to work. ” The million factoryworkers start producing thoughts to justifywhat you just said. So now guess what? “ManI hate my alarm clock went off this morning. I gotta get out here in this traffic. I donedrive down here today, I don’t even likethese people on my job. I can’t stand thiscar I’m finna get in this morning. Surewish I had a new car but I’m driving thisraggedy car. ” And on and on and on. Andyour day starts tumbling into what you auditat the top of the day. You can wake up inthe morning and you say yknow what? Todayis gonna be a great day today. I expect somethingreally good to happen for me today. He said“what did you say?” You say “I saidI’m having a great day today. I expect somethinggood to happen today. ” Foreman positiveturns around and goes “Alright let me haveyour attention. Steve’s having a great daytoday. He’s expecting some wonderful thingsto happen, and man, let’s get it going. And let’s start manufacturing thoughts. ”Same brain. “Man I can’t wait to go towork today. It may not be the job I want butat least I got a job. I’m so grateful Igot a car to drive to work today. Hey man,at least I got a cheque coming in. I appreciatethe fact that I don’t have a car but atleast I can walk to the train. Man this isgonna be great today. ” That’s how yourmind works 24/7. It never turns off. Changeyour attitude, you change your altitude. Itall depends on how you look at it. Our livesare mostly affected by the way we think thingsare. Not the way they are. The way we thinkthey are affects us most. And Shoaff taughtme that the mind is like a factory. A mentalfactory. And whatever you think about allday long, pours ingredients into this mentalfactory. And that’s what builds the economic,social, financial fabric of your life. Asyou think, so you become.