How To Reprogram Your Mind For Positive Thinking
Brainy Dose Presents:How To Reprogram Your Mind For Positive ThinkingYou already know that staying positive promotesa happier and healthier life. There are tons of studies out there that haveproven the correlation between optimism andimproved mental and physical states. We know definitively that positivity boostsmotivation – helping you achieve your goalsand find fulfillment in life. These facts are great and all, but how doyou foster a more positive mindset?It can be a difficult struggle to hold ontoyour optimism – especially when facing unforeseenobstacles, sudden hardships, or negative attitudes. The good thing is, that you have the abilityto reprogram your mind – to see the glassas half full instead of half empty. Here are 7 essential tips. Number 1 – Mind Your Body LanguageWhen we’re feeling down, we tend to communicateour feelings to others non-verbally. If you’re sad, you might slouch, avoid eyecontact, or cross your arms. Discomfort can be seen in your face – andyour body language. When your head is full of negative thoughts,you let your circumstances take hold of yourbody, instead of being mindful about how youpresent yourself. In this state, you appear weak, uneasy, mad,or upset. Others may interpret it as a command to leaveyou alone. But, positive thinking is as much about yourbody as it is about your mind – and you canproject positivity with something as simpleas your posture. When you stand tall, meet people’s eyesand smile, you show others that you’re readyto listen, feel positive, and possess strength. Maintaining a powerful stance will help createchannels for positivity to flow freely throughoutyour body. You, and the people around you, will feelthis newfound optimism and respond with morepositivity. Number 2 – Affirm Empowering BeliefsWhen we are held back in life, it is oftenthe result of our own limiting beliefs. Although you probably have valid reasons tobelieve in these pessimistic thoughts, theydon’t serve you well. Be mindful of how ‘negative past experiences’tend to shape unhopeful visions of the future- visions that are inaccurate and toxic. If you want to reprogram your mind for positivethinking, first you need to address your flawedbeliefs. Then, challenge them and replace them withmore empowering ones. In practice, this would begin with an acknowledgmentof your negative thoughts. It could be something along the lines of Idon’t feel deserving of love or I’m notgood enough. You might have a lot of these self-defeatingbeliefs – and for every single one, you mustreplace it with a positive belief – such as I am worthy of love and ahealthy relationship or I’m doing the bestI can. You control what you believe, and when youharness that power, you can change your world. Number 3 – Choose Your Words CarefullyJust like your body language, the words youspeak and think have a huge impact on yourmindset. Establishing a vocabulary that utilizes positivewords is an essential habit for a healthymind. Studies have shown that positive self-talkcan help you regulate your emotions and improveyour overall psychological state. And, it doesn’t end there…The words you use with other people affecthow they respond to you – creating a feedbackloop. Whether that loop is positive or negativeis up to you. Before you begin to craft your personal dictionary,you need to know what’s already in it. How do you label things or describe them inconversation?When you talk about your emotions, is thelanguage full of intensity, understanding,or complexity?When you’re feeling uneasy about a presentation,you might say that you’re “terrified”- but perhaps your just “a little nervous. ”If you’re having issues with your partner,you could say that you’re “extremely furious”- but in reality, you may just be a bit “annoyed. ”When you tag your emotions with intensity,your brain recognizes that and responds accordingly. If you are mindful and aware, you can tonedown your vocabulary and use language withless emotional power. This way, you will be able to stay more positive. Number 4 – Seek Out PositivityHave you ever met the kind of person who revelsin the worst details?They focus and hold onto bad moments – likegetting cut off in traffic, having a mediocremeal, or spilling a drink. If this sounds like you, it means that you’vetrained your brain to focus on negativity. You might even be an expert by now, and undoingyears of training can be a challenge. Fortunately, you can train your brain to seekout positivity. Instead of concentrating on moments that elicityour negative emotions, you can begin to shiftyour focus to positive moments. Make it a point to consider positive informationand redirect your attention when you’refeeling negative. Turn optimism into a routine by seeking outpositivity in your life. Number 5 – Watch Your EnvironmentReprogramming your mind is a difficult task,but you can make it easier by limiting thenegative influences in your environment. Your subconscious mind absorbs much more informationthan you think. It takes in as much data as possible fromyour surroundings – and uses it to form yourbeliefs, thoughts, and values. If you’re bombarded with negativity – whetherit’s from the news, social media, or toxicpeople in your life – your subconscious mindis profoundly affected. You might not even realize it’s happening. Yes, that’s how powerful your environmentis!So make an effort to fill your life with positiveand supportive people. Surround yourself with books, music, clothing,and art that bring you joy, lift up your spirits,and empower you. As time passes, you’ll see that these changesto your environment influence your positivity- subconsciously encouraging you to be moreoptimistic. Number 6 – Have An Emotional OutletPeople are emotional creatures. Some are better at revealing their emotions,while others are better at hiding them. If you often suppress your negative emotions,they build up inside you and contribute toyour negative mindset. Holding onto pessimistic thoughts or painfulmemories will only end up hurting you in thefuture. It could lead to increased stress levels,anxiety, or depression. Emotions can be intense – you will feel thegood and the bad – but, you can choose whatyou want to hold on to and what you want tolet go of. It’s important to embrace – and express– your emotions. Allow yourself to feel your emotions, andfind an outlet to release the negative ones. Whether it’s a sport, a form of art, orsomething else entirely – find an activityyou can put all that energy into. Number 7 – Look After Your BodyResearch has proven that your emotional stateis highly influenced by your lifestyle – includingyour diet, sleep schedule and exercise habits. To make positive thinking easier biologically,you can adjust these factors as you need to. Take an honest inventory of how well you takecare of your body. Keep working on your good habits, get ridof your bad ones, and establish better ones. When it comes to emotional health, diet playsan especially huge factor. If you eat primarily processed foods, you’relikely missing out on some essential nutrients. Think about how you can change what you eatto support a healthy mind – as vitamin deficienciesare linked to mental health issues such asanxiety and depression. And if you don’t get enough sleep, you couldbecome more irritable, angry, and pessimistic. Thus, it’s important to establish a sleepschedule that gives you enough time to recharge. Taking care of your body is a simple way tobring more positivity into your life. You’ll see improvements physically, mentally,and emotionally when you establish a healthylifestyle. Positive thinking isn’t easy, and you won’treprogram your mind overnight. It takes time. Nevertheless, with the help of these tips,you can learn to cultivate a more positiveoutlook on life. How are you doing on your journey toward positivethinking?Share with us in the comments below!If you enjoyed this video, give it a thumbs-up,and share it with your friends, so we cankeep making them. For more videos like this, hit the subscribebutton, and remember to click on the notificationbell. Also, be sure to check out our other videosas well. Thanks for watching!